ID for a catfish (I think)


Fish Herder
Oct 22, 2020
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Sorry these pictures are terrible, they are off a video. We were looking at a fish tank the other day, and my son really liked whatever this "suckerfish" is. My fish expertise amounts to being able to tell the difference between a common plec and a bristlenose, and this is neither lol. I would guess that this fish was probably 6-8in long.


there are two of them in this picture, next to a ~8in oscar.

from the front:


Basically the question is, will this fish go in a ~125g that is going to house blood parrot cichlids, probably sterbai cories, and probably some kind of tetras? How big does it get? How many need to be together? Does it do well in medium hard high ph water?

Alternately, what fish would you recommend as a "suckerfish" for this kind of tank? Hubby and I don't really like catfish (I like cories, he "accepts" them lol), and common plecs and most of the whiskered things give us the heebiejeebies. However, our son (like I think most kids) has a fascination with "suckerfish", so it might be cool to get something like that for the tank, as long as it's a species that doesn't spend all its time in hiding. And preferably just one.... lol

Thanks for humoring me with my endless questions!!!


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looks very similar to those pictures at seriouslyfish, except the body was nearly black. Does it come in a "black" variation?
Synodontis nigrita
That was my other thought, but the dorsal shape throws me off. Thoughts?

Or perhaps just a ragged dorsal, the photos looked more jagged to me in shape
That was my other thought, but the dorsal shape throws me off. Thoughts?

Or perhaps just a ragged dorsal, the photos looked more jagged to me in shape
The longer dorsal fin with filaments was doing my head in too. But the dark body is characteristic of nigrita. It could also be a hybrid between the two species or a long finned nigrita. The yellow water doesn't help either :)

We can agree that it is probably one of the two species mentioned (nigrita or eupterus).
I think it was a nigrita! Thanks guys! Looks like they would work for my water parameters too, interesting! Going on the list, now just have to decide how I feel about the heebiejeebie factor hahaha
Lol, so I started by reading the profile and I was getting really into it, hybrid fish are cool,red fish are cool, seems to be relatively hardy in my parameters, yup checking all the boxes. And then I looked at the pictures and I was like, oh hayell no.... Not only does it have the catfish creepies in front, but now the back end is freaky too!!! Lol. I like full bodied fish, this does not check that box haha. I do, however, tremendously appreciate the suggestion since this fish is great on paper haha :D
Haha well there's some other oddball ones too! I dont think it'd work for your parameters, but ever see a banjo catfish?
Whiptails. I wouldn't put them with Synodontis. I have found whiptails like it best when nobody else invades their space not even corydoras. When I bred them I only had whiptails on the bottom of the tank.
Interesting!! It does seem like the temp, ph, and hardness that these guys thrive in are all lower than what the 125 will probably have, so @NCaquatics I think you're right that these are a no-go.
This is an uninformed question, but are panda garras an option? They are a kind of suckerfish right? From a video I saw they also seem to be more active during the day?

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