Cories shoaling/schooling with different cories?

Oct 29, 2020
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Had some bad luck with pandas. I had a bunch, now there’s only two.

found a new LFS, which has a great reputation. I was originally led to believe pandas were easier to keep than I have experienced. Most were lost to some form of bacterial/fungal infection and fin rot.

2 have survived and are thriving, one has even grown its fins back to the point where I can’t tell the difference between the two.

Do I get some more pandas (quarantine tank won’t be ready for 4 more weeks)? Or is there another Cory species that is more hardy that will make my two pandas still feel comfortable? I don’t like having just the two of them if they will do better in a bigger group. im open to trying them again if they are from a more reputable store.

Id opt for different species. Pandas arent too hardy all around.

I keep many cories, all different.

My 46g has sterbai, aeneus, and schultzei
My 55g has trilineatus, paleatus, elegans, napoensis, panda, CW028, ambiacus, leucomelas, and weitzmani.


I got 2 pandas to see how i would do with them since I've heard they're not so good. Yeah one died the next morning when it was perfectly healthy.

So now just got the one.
Had some bad luck with pandas. I had a bunch, now there’s only two.

found a new LFS, which has a great reputation. I was originally led to believe pandas were easier to keep than I have experienced. Most were lost to some form of bacterial/fungal infection and fin rot.

2 have survived and are thriving, one has even grown its fins back to the point where I can’t tell the difference between the two.

Do I get some more pandas (quarantine tank won’t be ready for 4 more weeks)? Or is there another Cory species that is more hardy that will make my two pandas still feel comfortable? I don’t like having just the two of them if they will do better in a bigger group. im open to trying them again if they are from a more reputable store.

Yes sterba’s corydoras are pretty hardy. When I first set up my new fish tank I added them in to help with the cycling process and they are okay, touch wood.

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