Rescaped my fluval, thoughts on before and after?

Added a couple of crypts and had a little rearrange to get more of the rock on display.


Picked up a cheap starter co2 kit, just spray the nozzle in the morning and give it a little too up if needed, better than nothing I guess. will see if I get results out of it.
Watching to see if I could hop on something like this.
Do you have a drop checker? Its a little glass vial that you put a test fluid in and it measures the Co2 level in the water. Blue is standard, green is good, yellow is bad.

Do you have a drop checker? Its a little glass vial that you put a test fluid in and it measures the Co2 level in the water. Blue is standard, green is good, yellow is bad.


I dont! Will get one asap, maybe as the co2 amount is so little they don't provide one in the kit?

Will order one to keep an eye on it.
It’s usually something extra to buy but worth doing will give you an idea of how much you are getting in there. Just remember the colour of the drop checker is accurate for 1-2 hours ago rather than immediate results
I second the advice in getting a drop checker, not expensive to get and don’t forget to get the drop checker indictor solution as well, though you can get both as a package from some shops or websites.

Quite important to keep an eye on that and do try to keep things steady every day, make into a routine as any big fluctuations daily with co2 can cause havoc with algae growth.
Update on the fluval, I got rid of the co2 it was the only thing I had changed in my setup and I had a massive outbreak of hair algae across my Anubias, dropped light levels down and time dramatically and its getting better. The drop checker I got never once changed colour either so unsure if there was too much co2 or just created an imbalance.


I currently have I believe a sick gourami but he is looking to improve, was pooping a lot and was white stringy poop, a guppy also got it and I was treating with an internal bacteria medicine from NT Labs, unfortunately, the guppy didn't make it and went from an active fun playful fish to lethargic, I gave it some time to improve but one morning came out and he was under a rock one fin moving gasping so made the decision to euthanize which was rough, as a new fishkeeper you don't think about that side of the hobby! Also, the blind rasbora passed away couple of weeks ago, maybe also linked to the bacterial infection now I think about it, but at the time I assumed his simply been out-competed for food and with the addition of the gourami there is no longer scraps on the tank bed.

The crypts are looking healthy and some nice growth, the DHG is very slowly filling out but going the right direction and the shrimp population is booming now, plenty of good looking males and females.


Looking really good! The crypts are doing really well is it C.Parva? I’ve started to get my carpet filling in but I’ve mixed it with quite a few others which is making a nice effect Marsilea looks really good around hair grass and I think it would do well in low tech.
Looking really good! The crypts are doing really well is it C.Parva? I’ve started to get my carpet filling in but I’ve mixed it with quite a few others which is making a nice effect Marsilea looks really good around hair grass and I think it would do well in low tech.

That sounds about right, I'm still so useless with all the names! Will give the Marsilea a look, would like it to fill out a bit more green in the foreground.

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