
I was told it was ok but to make sure i fully rinsed it because if there was any trace,would kill the seahorses instantly
Soap can leave a residue that is hard to wash away. Bleach dissipates as it dries. You can also add Prime to destroy bleach. Stay away from soaps. :)
Soap can leave a residue that is hard to wash away. Bleach dissipates as it dries. You can also add Prime to destroy bleach. Stay away from soaps. :)
Ok. Will do next time. I do have bleach but with lavender. Im sure they wouldn't have liked that. Haha
Maybe less stressed. Hmm .jk
I am so sorry for your lost, that is devastating:rip: seahorses are so cool and to loose all of them is so sad. Glad you are hanging in there. Hope all goes well with your new seahorses. When things get better and your seahorses settle in please post a couple of pictures and let us know how things are going.
Thank you!. Im not giving up. My husband purchased me 2 more seahorses. They are being quarantined for now until my tank is better. Believe it or not, I cried and I was so upset. Everyday was 1 or 2 ponies that would die until not 1 was lefr
Our hearts are going out to you. It’s the slow deaths that are the worst even with one never mind a whole tank. Try to think they’ve gone to make room for others.
Our hearts are going out to you. It’s the slow deaths that are the worst even with one never mind a whole tank. Try to think they’ve gone to make room for others.
I agree. As much as it hurts, rebuilding makes us stronger.
Just have to get these numbers n&n down now so I can transfer my 2 erectus
I am so sorry for your lost, that is devastating:rip: seahorses are so cool and to loose all of them is so sad. Glad you are hanging in there. Hope all goes well with your new seahorses. When things get better and your seahorses settle in please post a couple of pictures and let us know how things are going.
Thank you. Will do! Its a male and a female. My husband purchased from kp aquatics. Thats where I bought my dwarfs. These are in the quarantine tank waiting.
Thank you for posting these pictures. They are so cool, maybe some day I will try and raise some myself.
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Detergeants, soaps and bleach will destroy filter bacteria. Most house hold bleach contains surfactants (a type of soap) that helps the bleach stick to things more effectively. The surfactants and bleach need to be washed off well otherwise it can cause problems to aquatic life.
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If you use bleach to clean anything, it has to thick, original bleach, nothing with scents or the 'thin' bleach that has additives to make it runnier, just plain old bleach. And yes, it will kill filter bacteria too of course, but it's good to use if you're trying to clean equipment after an outbreak of some disease. I used bleach to clean the tank and nets, syphons, buckets etc after a battle with worms.

Simply clean with diluted bleach, rinsed thoroughly, then soaked everything in triple dosed declorinator, before allowing everything to air dry completely. Then it's safe for use again.

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