60 litre / 15 gallon - options


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Mar 7, 2016
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I'm back after a long hiatus!
Now older and looking to get my sons into the hobby. I've identified somewhere we could keep a fish tank (and crucially had it OK'd by the wife!). I'd be limited to a 60 litre/15 gallon tank to fit in the space. I'm looking at standard 60cm(L)x30(D)x35(H) tanks, something like this:

Though I'd welcome tank recommendations.

But I'm wondering whether it would be worth it at that size. I used to have a bigger tank, sadly no room for it anymore. I'd be looking to stock it with a pair of centrepiece fish and a shoal of some kind. For the centrepiece I'd like a pair of rams, dwarf cichlids, or gouramis. Would any of those be possible in a tank this size?

Depending on the answer we could then get into detail of stocking options. I already know we have hard water (280ppm; DH=16; pH=7.4).

Many thanks!

You can check the suitable tank dimensions for fish you like on www.seriouslyfish.com. in the profile search box add the fish name. I have that exact tank you're considering. A Bristlenose Pleco is ok this tank & livebearers suited to hard water like Endlers, guppies & platies. My own water is 307ppm ph8 so most of fish I've researched are Rainbowfish & livebearers.

seriouslyfish.com seems like a great resource. Looks like Rams are out. Thinking about it, I could also go for a species tank of honey gourami. I had a pair of these in my previous tank and found them fascinating and soothing to observe.

Though the tank might look a bit empty with only 5 or so honey gourami? Hmm

seriouslyfish.com seems like a great resource. Looks like Rams are out. Thinking about it, I could also go for a species tank of honey gourami. I had a pair of these in my previous tank and found them fascinating and soothing to observe.

Though the tank might look a bit empty with only 5 or so honey gourami? Hmm
Not if you've loads of plants :wub: I am setting up a new bigger tank (90cm x 45cm x 30cm) so I was thinking of turning the Ciano 60 in a nano species tank - maybe celestial pearl Danios or lots of make Endlers. Probably turn it into a themed tank for my toddler to enjoy.
You can check the suitable tank dimensions for fish you like on www.seriouslyfish.com. in the profile search box add the fish name. I have that exact tank you're considering. A Bristlenose Pleco is ok this tank & livebearers suited to hard water like Endlers, guppies & platies. My own water is 307ppm ph8 so most of fish I've researched are Rainbowfish & livebearers.View attachment 117401

Also, are you using the CF80 filter that came with the tank? How do you find it?
Also, are you using the CF80 filter that came with the tank? How do you find it?
I am. It's fine bit you do need to keep an eye on the flow from the spray bar. Also I don't use the cartridges anymore. I replaced them with extra Ciano foam. The tank is 58 litre capacity & 16 US gallons. If you did want a different filter I really like the Eheim Aquaball. You can use it like a air stone to creat ripples in the water. It also comes with a very good spray bar & adjustable flow rate. I've been thinking about putting an Aquaball 60 into my tank at some point. The light is good & I've had plants growing very well in this tank.
I am. It's fine bit you do need to keep an eye on the flow from the spray bar. Also I don't use the cartridges anymore. I replaced them with extra Ciano foam. The tank is 58 litre capacity & 16 US gallons. If you did want a different filter I really like the Eheim Aquaball. You can use it like a air stone to creat ripples in the water. It also comes with a very good spray bar & adjustable flow rate. I've been thinking about putting an Aquaball 60 into my tank at some point. The light is good & I've had plants growing very well in this tank.

Thanks, would an Aquaball 60 be sufficient? I've read/seen elsewhere that we should aim to have 3-4 times the filtration rate of the tank size.
I think so. I have the 130 on my bigger tank (I've too actually as it's a long tank) and I think it's be too much for my 58L tank. It just adjustable though so you could get 130 & play around with the flow. The price difference between the two sizes isn't much. I got a great deal on the 130 from Swell.co.uk. @essjay has/had an Aquaball ball too & @Lajos_Detari so they might have better advice for the tank size (60cm x 30cm x 33.5cm or 24" x 12" x 13").
I've used an Aquaball in a 60 litre tank, though it was the older model with different numbers from the current range. These filters dome with a knob to adjust the water flow so it can be turned down if necessary. The 60 model delivers a maximum of 480 litres/hour and the 130 delivers a max of 550 l/h. If you did go with honey gouramis, you would need a lower flow rate than if you had actively swimming fish.
I've used an Aquaball in a 60 litre tank, though it was the older model with different numbers from the current range. These filters dome with a knob to adjust the water flow so it can be turned down if necessary. The 60 model delivers a maximum of 480 litres/hour and the 130 delivers a max of 550 l/h. If you did go with honey gouramis, you would need a lower flow rate than if you had actively swimming fish.

Thanks, looking at the prices, it's <£1 more for the aquaball 130. So would make sense to get that one then turn down the flow. Interesting. I think a heavily planted tank with a group of honey gourami could be really nice.
Thanks, looking at the prices, it's <£1 more for the aquaball 130. So would make sense to get that one then turn down the flow.
Probably worth checking the minimum flow specs. I got caught out like that with a different model and opted for the larger one at the same price. Even with the flow turned down to minimum it blew my gouramis all over the tank.
I found a similar tank to the ciano 60. The AquaEl leddy 60. In stock and a bit cheaper. Has anyone heard of these?

Probably worth checking the minimum flow specs. I got caught out like that with a different model and opted for the larger one at the same price. Even with the flow turned down to minimum it blew my gouramis all over the tank.

60 has 150-480lph range according to the website
130 has 180-550lph
That Aquael tank looks OK, the only thing I would look into is whether the lights can be set to turn off completely as the 'day and night' implies to me that the lights are on all night, which is bad for fish.
The filter looks OK, it seems to contain only sponge with the option of cartridges containing carbon or phosphate remover, neither of which is necessary. But the sponge cartridge will not need replacing for years. According to the instructions, the direction of water flow can be adjusted but not the flow rate.
I found a similar tank to the ciano 60. The AquaEl leddy 60. In stock and a bit cheaper. Has anyone heard of these?
Never used their tanks but have a couple of their filters and heaters and they are good for the price. Polish company that has been around for ages and generally good value. The Leddy 75 was my first choice a while ago when I needed an emergency tank, but it was an emergency so I took what the LFS had in stock.

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