2020 Victory Gardens

Carrots and cabbage! I might make some borscht with the cabbage this week
Look at this oat patch! It should be ready to harvest in a couple more weeks. I'm very excited about this, never having grown grain before (except corn).

There's an old story about Dr. Johnson, the famous English scholar (and scoffer at all things not-English), traveling through Scotland with Mr. Boswell, his Scottish assistant (and no slouch in the brains department, himself). Johnson, commenting on the prevalence of oats in the Scots' diet, said, "In Scotland they feed men what in England we only give to our horses."

Boswell, not missing a beat, replied, "Yes. England has better horses. Scotland has better men."
Once again we have a bigger plum harvest than we can eat :lol: just from one tree weve already had about 70 ripe ones


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Once again we have a bigger plum harvest than we can eat :lol: just from one tree weve already had about 70 ripe ones

Time to start making wine! Or maybe a plum based BBQ or hot sauce? That's what I'd do.

I only have peppers going this year. All in pots. They are a little stunted due to the late winter we had, but they're still producing alright all things considered.

Here are two (I have around 40 total). Carolina Reaper and Naga Morich. Gotta water everyone today.

We had very heavy rain here again and it knocked down my wife's tomato plants again racks and all:(
Bummer. FP, our peppers haven't done diddly squat this year. They're still about 3" high. Weird--they usually grow pretty well.
We clipped our chickens wings (right wing only) and they still escape over the fence haha
We clipped our chickens wings (right wing only) and they still escape over the fence haha
Yeah, us too. They're so annoying. I think everyone should own chickens at least once in their lives, just so they know what a wonderful thing it is not to own chickens. haha

We have about 20 red rangers (for meat) (oops, 18 now!) and a dozen Rhode Island Reds for eggs. We plan to get a pretty rooster next spring, probably a blue laced red wyandotte if we can find one, and gradually replace the hens with blue/red wyandottes and blue ameraucanas. That way we'll have blue and red-brown eggs! Wyandottes do really well here; they're tough to the cold and the laced varieties are sorta pretty, as chickens go.

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