help and opinion needed

Well between the pics you have I am confident its definitely a cichlid. Red terror or red devil something like that. I will warn I have seen something like that type of injury in some albino corry cats. For them it turned out to be a flesh eating bacteria I was unable to control. I had worked it's way under their scales and literally ate them alive. It was horrible!! Tried every thing I could to stop it. But it swept though about half my tank. That's as I was pulling fish with symptoms out and putting them all in QT. Seemed every time I looked back in the main tank I seen more. Also it transferred to another tank simply by a net careless set on top the uninfected tank. And the net dripped into that tank causing another contaminated tank. After it seems to run its course it did go away never to be seen in that tank again. But I tried about 4 meds and none stopped any fish from falling to it if infected. As soon as I seen your second pic it definitely made me shiver a little remembering that. There could be a ton of other reasons for the injury. I didn't happen to see any kind of decorations in the tank. So my first thought was some sort of bacterial infection. Considering the water quality. I know were I live I could probably come up with a 55 gal pretty cheap and pretty quickly if needed. Not sure your situation but if you thought that was possible for you, I would, and have lol. Good luck my friend with whichever you choose.
im still trying to convince her, it seems like it is harder than i thought lol. i just look up 75g tank price, and i think i could afford it if im saving for 2-4 months, the hardest part is to convince my wife to buy another tank :rofl:

btw thank you very much, for all of you who replied here im really appreciated it !
im still trying to convince her, it seems like it is harder than i thought lol.
Has she explained why she wants to keep it? they clearly don't care about it, and the tank is so filthy they can't even see it to enjoy it.

I don't think I'll ever understand why some people claim to love and want to keep their pets, but at the same time, never bother with them and keep them in deplorable conditions. There's no logic there, doesn't make sense to me.

If she says why she still wants it, maybe you can convince her either to give it to you, or to improve his current conditions at the least.

But I also agree with @WhistlingBadger . Sometimes you can't fix someone else's mistake, and you can hurt yourself trying. You can't save them all. It's worth a try when you can, but don't make life too hard on yourself trying to right someone else's wrong.
Has she explained why she wants to keep it? they clearly don't care about it, and the tank is so filthy they can't even see it to enjoy it.
Because its not her fish, possibly her parents that doesn't want to let the fish go. But this morning she agreed to give the fish to me , next Monday she'll bring the fish and I could take a better picture of it.

I don't think I'll ever understand why some people claim to love and want to keep their pets, but at the same time, never bother with them and keep them in deplorable conditions. There's no logic there, doesn't make sense to me.

Sadly most people think of their fish as decorations either for their living room or their aquascape, some people even think of their fish as trophies just like, you know..most betta "collector". But let save this conversation for a different time because I can go on and on and on about how bad fish abuse in my country lol.
OH! I forgot to ask, since she already agreed to give it to me, should I buy the food now or it's better to make sure what species that fish is first ? Im planning to buy tetra cichlid sticks, because I'm pretty sure it is a cichlid but I could be wrong though
Ok the fish has arrived, and I'm pretty sure it is a red nile tilapia, the good news is my boss have some tilapia ponds, the bad news is the fish conditions is worse than I thought.

I'll try to give him some treatments in my tank, if it make it I'll put it in the pond.
Ok the fish has arrived, and I'm pretty sure it is a red nile tilapia, the good news is my boss have some tilapia ponds, the bad news is the fish conditions is worse than I thought.

I'll try to give him some treatments in my tank, if it make it I'll put it in the pond. View attachment 115474
Urgh, that poor fish looks like it was eaten and somehow survived.

Hope he makes it, but not sure he'd be able to compete in a pond with others even if it survives, looks blind in at least one eye, does the other look okay?
Urgh, that poor fish looks like it was eaten and somehow survived.

Hope he makes it, but not sure he'd be able to compete in a pond with others even if it survives, looks blind in at least one eye, does the other look okay?
One of its eyes definitely blind, and the other one is cloudy. I suspect because of poor water quality, I hope the other eye can be healed, but we'll see.

But there's one question in my mind, who on earth put a tilapia in an aquarium??? And why would someone do that? I mean it's the equivalent of keeping a common carp in an aquarium
Is that white line over the gills a worm?

I'm always reminded of the supervets advise, sometimes keeping an animal in distress alive to treat it is not always the kindest option, I hate to be the first to raise the point but sometimes euthanasia is kindest.
Is that white line over the gills a worm?
I think it's only a reflection because I hold it just a little bit over water surface, but I'll check it again tomorrow morning.

And about euthanasia, yeah I'm afraid it'll come to that sooner or later, but I think I'll try some medications at least for a week from today
That fish definitely looks bad. Get medications ASAP.

Who knows who would do that? I’ve seen people put wild fish in a 5g tank. (Specifically my neighbor, who put 2 large mouth bass in a 5g tank. Really angered me. She claimed her father was a “fish expert”. Sorry for the detour... I’ll post a thread later that will be discussing this.)
That fish definitely looks bad. Get medications ASAP.

Who knows who would do that? I’ve seen people put wild fish in a 5g tank. (Specifically my neighbor, who put 2 large mouth bass in a 5g tank. Really angered me. She claimed her father was a “fish expert”. Sorry for the detour... I’ll post a thread later that will be discussing this.)
Bass in 5g ? Wow that thing is huuuuge man, how could it fit in 5g? Can't wait to hear your story, I'll wait for your tread man
This is so upsetting. I hope the fish gets better or gets peace soon.
I think the fish is going to get better, it's not lethargic and still have appetite for food, I'm pretty sure it'll get better. But still this fish couldn't survive in the pond, so I'll have to find another way to house it.
I think the fish is going to get better, it's not lethargic and still have appetite for food, I'm pretty sure it'll get better. But still this fish couldn't survive in the pond, so I'll have to find another way to house it. View attachment 115584
Does he have sight in one eye? If he has sight in one eye at least, and if the pond owner is willing to monitor him and potentially target feed him if he's struggling to compete with the others, he might be able to make it in a pond.

You did a good thing by rescuing him, you're a kind person! Poor thing was so battered looking, I'm amazed he survived as long as he did, even with as hardy as tilapia are!
Very good that it’s doing better.

More water changes will help clear up that minor fin rot and those sores on his head. :good:

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