Betta Fish lethargic

His eyes are a little cloudy , I use flashlight to inspect him and water everyday do you think this is causing it?
He may have mild pop eye
His poops are all normal now I see very little transparent fungus like poop, holes in his upper fin healing.
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he is still eating , but is still unable to swim and move
The fin rot has gotten worse and the tumor is growing
I keep him in boiled water with anti-fin rot medication
I change the water everyday , the tumor has grown enormous and he seems to lost weight and grown abnormally large head

Same as usual swims up to water every 2-5 minutes to breathe , can breathe easily when water level is low and rocks are there to lie on

I don't want to euthanize him as he rapidly moves when I touch or disturb him , and eats his food
I just want to know if this is a tumor or dropsy and where it is benign or not
I am panicking almost every remedy I have tried for the last 4 months have done nothing , he keeps losing fins ,and is becoming more lethargic
I live in tropics so water should be ideal temperature all the time , I also don't know a way to integrate a heater with such a low water level (0.5 litres and ~2 inch depth)
He should be around one year old
if you see this PLEASE respond I am desperate
pls pray for him


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I’m sorry but can’t see a tumor in these pics. Can you try taking pics without a flash? Where is the tumor located? What size container is he in and what are your ammonia, nitrites, and nitrate testing at?
I’m sorry but can’t see a tumor in these pics. Can you try taking pics without a flash? Where is the tumor located? What size container is he in and what are your ammonia, nitrites, and nitrate testing at?
He is in a 1 gallon bowl which is filled quarter way through.
I change the water daily thus I don't test it. The boiled water I use has 0 ammonia , nitrates , nitrites , ~7 ph
Here is a video of his behavior:
I feed him 3-7 pellets daily twice
is a bacterial infection for this long even possible?
His poop is same color as food I give him
btw I clump the rocks so that at he can rest nearer to the surface and breathe easily


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Well, first things first. His bowl is entirely too small. His fins are frayed due to stress. You need to get him at least a 2.5 gallon home but 5 gallons is recommended as minimum. Filter should be used. If temp stays around 78-80F then you don’t need a heater. I’m not sure about boiling your water. Is there a need for that? It may reduce necessary minerals that the fish need. Get the above items and continue daily water changes for 10 days. Add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per each 5 gallons of water on the first day. Be sure to dissolve it in a little tank water before adding to bowl or it will sting the fish. After that, add 1/2 tablespoon of aquarium salt for each 5 gallons of water. See if this makes him feel better. He’s very skinny so feed him more. Several pellets 3 x’s a day. I still don’t see a tumor. Keep us posted. ;)
Well, first things first. His bowl is entirely too small. His fins are frayed due to stress. You need to get him at least a 2.5 gallon home but 5 gallons is recommended as minimum. Filter should be used. If temp stays around 78-80F then you don’t need a heater. I’m not sure about boiling your water. Is there a need for that? It may reduce necessary minerals that the fish need. Get the above items and continue daily water changes for 10 days. Add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per each 5 gallons of water on the first day. Be sure to dissolve it in a little tank water before adding to bowl or it will sting the fish. After that, add 1/2 tablespoon of aquarium salt for each 5 gallons of water. See if this makes him feel better. He’s very skinny so feed him more. Several pellets 3 x’s a day. I still don’t see a tumor. Keep us posted. ;)
>He keeps coming up to the surface to breathe(even at night), which was why I removed him from his old 3 gallon tank with the filter and everything. At night he lays on top of the rocks to sleep and breathe from the surface. I could add a plant toy on which he can try and rest or a plastic structure
>>He has an enlarged hump to his side (like dropsy but no protruding scales)
>>>I can use tap water and conditioner. But I'm scared of introducing tap water with bacteria in his weak state
>>>>I have aquarium blue , anti-bacteria and anti-fungus , anti-rot medication , aquarium salt, rennamycin (oxytetracycline fish guy suggested), and fish vitamin to add with food. all of which I have tried on him
>>>>>Should I do a FULL water change everyday or partial change of the 3 gallon tank and should I keep the filter on?
>>>>>> I have kept him in aquarium salt in his small bowl for over a month didnt seem to help , only delay it
I feel that he has swim bladder issues (its like he doesn't even have a swim bladder )paired with numerous other issues , only thing I haven't done is increase his feeding
??? so my main questions are should I do a 3 gallon change everyday, which medicine should I use if I use water conditioner and tap water or boiled water, should I use an aerator ???
You can do a 75% water change each day. Bettas don’t like a lot of turbulence so if you use an air stone, keep it low. Being a labyrinth fish, he will continue to go up for air. If it is difficult for him to do this, then get him a betta leaf to rest on. Nothing can be done for a tumor if he has one.
The lump on his side is larger and more downwards.
I don't think its dropsy , could be tumour
I am giving him tap water with anti chlorine and anti biotic and salt
He is eating less and less responsive...


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Update he is alot fatter , but the tumour has also grown. He isn't as lethargic and fins are more spaced apart.
He has dropsy and I think a tumour (could also be dropsy)
He is still eating but not moving at all
I have stopped giving him medication and just give him clean boiled water and aquarium salt to reduce pain from dropsy
He is in very dire condition , I think feeding him too much caused the bloating I'll reduce it to 2 times a day and try to keep him comfortable so that he can live his remaining days in peace
I am giving him krill pellets
any thing that can ease his pain in dropsy?? I don't want to flat out kill him with clove oil as he still responds to touch and clearly wants to live out his days


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I am sorry to announce that on September 8th 2020 Chowdhury Shaheb the Betta Fish has passed away. May he swim in the mighty pond in the sky. Age > 1 years old. Please keep him in your prayers

He ate until september 6th night , on the 7th he stopped eating even after I tried to manually feed him. He was breathing heavily and bled as some of his scales fell of. He fought for his life right upto his death ,even though his organs were failing and fins falling away months prior. I regret not being able to treat him properly and trying so many harsh treatments and handeling ,stressing him out, and being stupid and putting him in with salt treatment for extreme amounts of time. His dropsy exponentially increased as I increased his food supply ,when I thought he was too skinny.

If you have a betta fish please keep delicate control of them they are very sensitive and dont repeat my mistakes , read from multiple sources and consult as much professional help as you can . Even though I am sad he is gone , I am glad he doesnt have to bare anymore pain.

Thank you guys for everything and I am sorry to everyone and my betta for not being able to provide him a full life and effective treatment.
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