My new tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2020
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Setting up my new tank today to accommodate my baby platies. Still need to add more plants and rocks but this is it so far . Suggestions welcome.


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The tank is 2nd hand and had only been emptied this morning. I've reused the filter and added my own filter media. The drift wood came with the tank and the rocks and plants have come from my tank. I've added a filter booster and dechlorinated the water. How long should I wait before adding my fish and should I add a few at a time as opposed to all in one go?
if media is from an established tank, and the decor is too, I'd think its fine to add a couple over the next few days. Add a couple at a time :) monitor water parameters and go from that
if media is from an established tank, and the decor is too, I'd think its fine to add a couple over the next few days. Add a couple at a time :) monitor water parameters and go from that
Thanks. I'll test all parameters over the weekend and if all looking good I'll transfer a couple over on Monday. I've now got a heater which I didn't have in my old tank. I've been to a (decent) LFS today and they seem to think the fish I have now would be happy for the temp to go up to 24-28c. I'm not sure I believe them
Platies do good in a range 70-78F or 22-26C
Yeah agree the platies would be good but I've got a Hillstream Loach and I thought they liked colder water. If they do I'll keep them in my original tank and get some Cory's for my new one. Could you please remind me of the site I should use to check fish species. I've seen it mentioned a few times but can't remember what is called. Thanks.
Setting up my new tank today to accommodate my baby platies. Still need to add more plants and rocks but this is it so far . Suggestions welcome.
At first glance i thought that stone in front of the wood was an Egg;) good looking tank!
I think your platy fry will like that, I have noticed that my platy fry like to hide in floating plants in their tank.
I've got some that are still in their current tank but I'll transfer them across with the fry.
This is my platy fry tank-nothing fancy but it looks like most if not all the fry will make it to adulthood. I was not planning on having platy fry but they are cute. They are about 1/2 inch long now.


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So it ended up going very wrong today. My tank is great. Temp and parameters are perfect so I went to my LFS ( a good one) and ended up buying this? Probably totally innapropriate but I love him. Called him Simon Lo-bon.
Good start! Your doggy looks cute too!
Thankyou. My doggy is an idiot.. an old lady with no manners
My picture didn't upload


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