What is this?


New Member
May 27, 2020
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Ive posted about this before but am no closer to solving the issue unfortunately. I started cycling a seven gallon tank around 3 weeks ago to put a betta fish in. Some driftwood, ohko stone, live plants, fairly standard set up. However throughout this period of cycling, the tests have been constantly high readings despite adding beneficial bacteria, and have been constantly seeing this type of thing on pretty much everything from plants to stone to wood to substrate

No idea what this stuff is but i have a suspicion its linked to the poor readings of the water itself. It kicks up and clouds the water when i do water changes, pours out of the filter when i turn it back on again, and i dont even have any fish in this tank that could be continuously producing this. Im genuinely at a loss for what this is, and would appreciate any help.
its just sediment. suck it out if you don't like it.
Thankyou Colin. The filter was full of it when i did a thorough clean so hopefully it goes down a bit. Now i just need to figure out why the water parameters are so all over the place.
I agree. Suck it out, if you don't like it.
What's wrong with the water parameters?
They spike randomly then go back down and then come back up and stay up until i do a water change. I have plenty of plants (buce, water sprite, dwarf sag, amazon sword and salvinia) but they dont seem interested in taking any of this nastiness out.

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