Prazipro and Pimafix?

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May 26, 2019
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Hello! I'm currently treating a tank with Prazipro for parasite prevention, but I noticed a tiny bit of white fungus on the fish in the tank. I was thinking of using Pimafix to attempt to combat this because it isn't really an antibiotic and prazi isn't recommended for use with any other antibiotics. Would that work?
Illness of aquarium fish is something you never expected, so you should always be aware of prevention and knowledge to treat the fish if it happens. Helping to cure fish is one disease and limiting the spread of disease causing the fish to die in mass. Aquarium Sudo will teach you some ways to prevent and cure fishes to help you equip yourself with knowledge.

At present, the movement of raising ornamental fish is quite popular among households, both in the city and in the countryside. However, most farmers are inspired, and the understanding of physiology, biochemistry, behavior, disease of ornamental fishes is very vague. Many people have suffered damage when raising ornamental fish caused by disease.
You should not be using meds if you are unsure of what it is. Treat with aquarium salt and see how you go with that.
Are you treating the tank because you had parasites or just treating for no reason in particular apart from possible prevention?
I thought my fish had a worm of some sort but I asked around and the general consensus was that it was just poop. By the time that happened though I had already dosed prazi for good measure because I initially thought it was a parasite. However yesterday I noticed a small fuzzy white growth on the fish.
Oh okay, I got you now. Can you post a picture of it at all and what fish do you have hun?
The fish in the tank is a betta, she's got a 10 gallon tank to herself. She's developed dropsy, and some folks on another forum told me that the swelling has caused her anal gland to shift to the side of her body, which was what led me to believe it was some kind of horrible worm trying to escape her body, but instead it was just poop. I didn't know their bodies could've done that! Anyways, I read that aquarium salt isn't good for fish with dropsy, so I'm hesitant to use that. I've been giving her epsom salt baths but it hasn't done much. She just got a small spot of fluffy stuff on one scale, though I think it might be wiser to euthanize than try to treat the the fuzzy spot at this point...
Looks like fungus or excess mucous. Do daily 75% water changes
The scales look like they are sticking out or pineconing. Looks like dropsy or a tumor. Wait for @Colin_T but he probably needs to be euthanized. Don’t use any of th meds ending in “fix” on a betta. Melafix, Bettafix, Pimafix all will cause a labyrinth fish to suffocate.
The scales look like they are sticking out or pineconing. Looks like dropsy or a tumor. Wait for @Colin_T but he probably needs to be euthanized. Don’t use any of th meds ending in “fix” on a betta. Melafix, Bettafix, Pimafix all will cause a labyrinth fish to suffocate.
I have no clue how I missed the swelling. I agree.
fish don't have an anal gland, dogs and ferrets do.

the fish is stuffed. I would euthanise it
Alright, thank you all for the advice. I euthanized her yesterday night. Poor fish.

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