Is there something wrong with him?


Fish Aficionado
Apr 16, 2020
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
I did a water change, vacuumed his substrate and washed tank walls just like @Colin_T told me to, I'm also getting aquarium salt today, and noticed some red colour on end of his tail and I'm fairly concerned. What could it be?

Water parameters:

Ammonia and nitrite are all 0
Nitrates are kept below 20ppm

Seeing his other colors, my best guess is just some new coloration.

Although, it may burns of some sort.
Seeing his other colors, my best guess is just some new coloration.

Although, it may burns of some sort.
No heater for now in his tank as temp is still high a bit after last water change so no heater burn... no ammonia and ntrite in the water so not this... nitrates are kept below 20ppm so not this either :/ Points more to new colouration burst.
It could be new coloration, but it could also be fin rot. Watch him closely for the next few days and watch for any signs of shredding in his tail.
If his fins start to look like they are being shredded, then you know it is finrot.
He could have a little fin rot. Daily water changes and one tablespoon of aquarium salt per every 5 gallons of water should clear it up. Remember to dissolve the salt first in a little tank water in cup so it doesn’t burn him. After 1st day, only add 3/4 tablespoon of salt with each 75% water change. If he worsens or no improvement in a week. You’ll need something to treat bacterial infection. I doubt you’ll need it. :)
It seems like he have a hole on his tell too, try do daily water changes, add salt.
If he’s biting his tail then he’s bored or tail is too heavy. Make sure he has plenty of tall plants to rest on and try giving him a ping pong ball to play with. Some like them and some don’t.

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