Betta started gaining colour as soon as I put her in my tank?


New Member
Jun 8, 2019
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Here's a quick background:

45 litre tank, currently on 6 ember tetras and two female bettas, filled with live plants. There were 8 embers, but after moving the tank for a carpet thing, two died. There has previously been a male betta, but at the time I found my tank minus two fish, and that betta floating upside down, dead, very bloated. I stayed away from bettas for a while.

So I bought my first 2 female bettas from one pet shop, absolutely gorgeous, one blue one red, active, happy. No problems with water, except maybe too high flow. No problems with killing tetras either. The blue one, idk how, got herself wedged behind the filter. I looked for her for an hour when i realised she was missing, and i must have taken ten minutes too long to find her because she was still very colourful when I found her in a space she should not have been able to get to, but very dead.

My solution was to wait a bit, block up the gap with filter sponge, and replace the blue betta. The pet shop i used was just restocking and couldn't sell fish, so I went to one that I trust a little less.

Their tank had maybe twenty female bettas in, and was at least half the size of mine? They looked a little different, squatter, smaller, less colourful, but had the same key markers. So I immediately went for the runt of the litter. This little pinkish white lady came home. I found her eyes oddly dark against her colouring, but she looked like she would be the first to go if her tankmates started getting aggressive. They seemed new.

Not two hours later, there's blue creeping into her tail and sides? She looks very comfortable, not glass surfing, not being chased, and has eaten happily? What is going on here?
Can you post some pictures? It could be that she is just marbling. Marbling means that the betta is changing it's color. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. When I bought my betta, he was a beautiful icy blue. The next day, I noticed he had more dark blue in his coloring, and now I have a royal blue and green betta.
Here is a great video that explains betta marbling.
Marble bettas are super fun!

This is the same fish... 3 month difference!


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