How to prepare new tank for first fish?

It’s a 230litre tank :)

Ok, I have been told that guppies should only be added once the tank has matured at least 4-8 weeks. I also am interested in neon tetras.
Neon tetras, and any other tetras, need soft water and your water is hard. I'd suggest you to get some colourful guppies, endlers are more colourful, mollies, swordtails and platies. They all come in different shades and colours :)
I agree, its a total myth.
Yes. They always say, "Oh, just run your tank for 4 weeks, then your tank will be cycled".

*Someone walks into Petco asking for their water to be check. Worker be like, "Uh, sure dude".*

*Goes in the back and dumps the water down the drain. Comes back out and tells them "Oh man, your water in FINE.*

:rofl: :rofl:
Yes. They always say, "Oh, just run your tank for 4 weeks, then your tank will be cycled".

*Someone walks into Petco asking for their water to be check. Worker be like, "Uh, sure dude".*

*Goes in the back and dumps the water down the drain. Comes back out and tells them "Oh man, your water in FINE.*

:rofl: :rofl:
Just like I would hear my lfs workers :rofl::rofl: Typical
I've always sort of wanted to work at a place like that, just so I could prove everyone wrong.

It can be done people. The workers are just lazy and they don't care about fish. :(
This is a 230 liter/60 gallon tank. Livebearers woould be one good option, and with this sized tank you could have a selection of platies, swordtails and mollies. Lots of colour depending upon the selection. There are some rainbowfish suitable. Not all of these together, just groups to consider.

Neon tetra will not have an easy time in this hard water. And discus, well that is a very different ballgame.
I've always sort of wanted to work at a place like that, just so I could prove everyone wrong.

It can be done people. The workers are just lazy and they don't care about fish. :(
Same, and I'm actually thinking about working in my most not intelligent lfs to actually prove them wrong. My most local one has either dead fish being eaten by other fish or lots of fish with finrot, muscle wasting disease, worms, parasties and bacterial infections. Once I saw all of Dwarf Gouramies die because of the Iridovirus at once!
Same, and I'm actually thinking about working in my most not intelligent lfs to actually prove them wrong. My most local one has either dead fish being eaten by other fish or lots of fish with finrot, muscle wasting disease, worms, parasties and bacterial infections. Once I saw all of Dwarf Gouramies die because of the Iridovirus at once!
My LFS is great. The owner is friendly and knows his stuff.

The tanks and clean and well cared for. I maybe see 1 dead fish every time I go, but that's to be expected.

Sounds like your LFS could use some time on TFF... :unsure:
For good floating plants to help you do a planted "cycle" I would recommend water sprite, anacharis, hornwort and money wort, You can "plant them in the gravel or let them float. Other good floating plants are frog bite, salvinia and water lettuce which just float. They all will absorb ammonia at a higher rate. I do a planted cycle on all my tanks. With hard water I agree with others and would suggest starting out with a few male fancy guppies. If you want neon tetra like I do you may want to consider RO water to reduce the hardness of your water. I have a soft water tank that I use RO water on for my tetras, it is more work.
My LFS is great. The owner is friendly and knows his stuff.

The tanks and clean and well cared for. I maybe see 1 dead fish every time I go, but that's to be expected.

Sounds like your LFS could use some time on TFF... :unsure:
That's sounds like type of lfs I want to have near me :S

My lfs could use some time here, they are awful TBH
The owner of my LFS is pretty good, his employees do not know anything when it come to fish only that they swim but he has taught them how to net fish without hurting them. We just had a good talk he also used RO water for his soft water fish that he makes. His is having a really hard time getting in fish and plants and several of his suppliers may have gone out of business:(
Thank you everyone! I have bought the plant nutrients and will go to the fish shop tomorrow and get some floating plants.
Also bought the test kit it should be delivered tomorrow.
My plants aren’t doing so well :(


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My plants aren’t doing so well :(

How long have these plants beeen in the tank? Plants ned time to establish, and they need nutrients which are lacking in new tanks, so you need to add them. The sword plants on the right would greatly benefit from a good substrate tab fertilizer, like Flourish Tabs, just one next to each of those sword plants, replaced in 3-4 months. A comprehensive liquid like Flourish Comprehensive Supplement will help all of these plants.

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