Betta acting weird

My son when he was 3-4 I took him to the LFS and bought some mollies. I let him hold the bag on the way home. The next day he came up to me holding a bag with two mollies in it. No water and they were dead. He said "Daddy I took the fish for a walk". He did not know they were dead. He was so innocent. Kids!!!!!
So yesterday he was acting like his old self swimming around and begging for food but this morning he's acting worse and staying at the bottom. Yesterday I noticed his dorsal fin was a little ripped which I assumed it was from him hiding under the wood a lot but now this morning it's looking way worse almost like the whole fin is gonna come off. The first pic is from yesterday and the second pic is now. Do you think its from the wood or is something wrong and what can I add to help the fin recover?
Daily water changes will help the fins heal and prevent secondary infection. Adding Indian almond leaves will help too
Ok I'm going to do daily water changes and add more leaves.
I took the wood out so now he hides under the leaves at the bottom. Will aquarium salt help?
Also, this is separate from what's happening to his dorsal fin but he's been having what I think is fin rot for about 1-2 months, it's very slow but I can't seem to get rid of it. I've already salted the tank for 2 weeks, use almond leaves and a lot of water changes and it doesn't get better. You can see it in that first picture at the end of his tail.
Here's a video, of course right after I stopped recording he did the zooming thing but you can see he looks a bit 'twitchy'?
Also how he keeps going in his plants, he never used to do that.
Looks like a normal Betta to me. He looks happy and healthy.
This morning I went to feed him, I wiggled my fingers at the top of the tank and he freaked out and started crashing into things and hid at the bottom. I'm thinking something scared him, my next guess was to ask my 4 year old niece what she did haha. I'm really paranoid with her near the tank and always teach her how to be with it but she is 4 lol
I asked her and she said she tapped the glass :(
What can I do to get him back to normal, keep it dark?
If I feed him and walk away he'll come out to eat.
I set the camera up to see if he's normal when I leave and he was
You should see mine. He’s a character. Lol
The pictures aren't great, I just did a water change so the water isn't clear. I can see the tiny bones showing on his dorsal fin since the fin is disappearing. I also added aquarium salt. He's not hiding as much and is still eating. The only thing I'm worried about is the messed up/rotting part is a tiny bit on his body. Should I use medication or just stick to big water changes everyday and the salt.
We are going camping in about 2 weeks for around 5-6 days and now I'm worried about leaving him and not being able to do a water change during that time.


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