Vote Now!...June 2020 Fish of the Month Contest..(Tetras)

Vote for Fishforums June 2020 Fish of the Month (Tetras)

  • PheonixKingZ

    Votes: 7 8.9%
  • NCaquatics

    Votes: 27 34.2%
  • Fishmanic

    Votes: 8 10.1%
  • RenC

    Votes: 9 11.4%
  • SanDiegoRedneck

    Votes: 10 12.7%
  • GLAB

    Votes: 7 8.9%
  • JuiceBox52

    Votes: 11 13.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
Poll is now closed
We have 7 interesting Tetra fish entered into the June 2020 Fish of the Month Contest. View all the entries and descriptions below and then go to the top of page--click on your choice for FOTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. Preferably no posts should be made in this voting topic.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken.

The winner is awarded a neat banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "fotm winner" thread for all to see and to comment.

Poll will close on 27th at 4 PM EST

Good luck to our entrants in the Fish of the Month contest. We at thank you for your participation.
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Neon 2.JPG

This is Scorch! (The one in focus)

Name: Scorch

Species: Paracheirodon innesi (Neon Tetra)

Age: Around 4 months old

Tanks mates: 7 other Neon Tetras, 1 Albino BNP, MTS, BRH, and a Nerite snail. Also, 40+ cherry shrimp.

Tank size: 29 US Gallons

Feeding: 1 pinch of Omega One Tropical flakes, once every 5 days at night. The other 2 days of the week, I fast him. (He also occasionally eats a baby cherry shrimp. ;))

Traits: He loves to hang out with his other neon tetra buddies. He occasionally try's to steal my Plecos algae wafer, but my pleco puts up a pretty good fight. He is a very fast swimmer and loves to zoom around the tank. (Hence the name "Scorch")

He is also the "outcast" of the group. (The smallest male)

Other information: It took me a while to get that good of a photo. I bet I took at least 90 photos before I got the one you see above.

Thanks for viewing! Good luck to all the other contestants. :thanks:
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My tetra entry!


This photo was taken with my good camera)

This is Whiskey, she is a long fin Black Skirt Tetra. Shes a big girl, almost 3 inches long. She is the boss of the shoal. No one messes with this lovely little lady.

Skirts get a bad rep, but they tend to be a lot more bark than bite if kept properly in a shoal and with a suitable habitat breaking up lines of sight, and keeping a lower male ratio than females.

I have a shoal of different colours of these guys (3 black skirts, 2 white skirts, and one "gmo" skirt--aka glofish). This lady is at the top of the pack, she is the first to get food, the most inquisitive if something looks like food, and as long as the other tetras don't upset that, things stay peaceful.

I have had Whiskey for over a year, she was one of our first fish, she was a tiny little inch long baby when we first got her, scrawny little thing. But shes a hefty girl now, nearly always gravid. She is a gorgeous shiny fish, her scales reflect the colours around her.

All of our skirts are named after alcoholic beverages. My husband picked out these fish and named the first three, so we stuck with the tradition for the entire shoal. Names are Whiskey, Gin, Daiquiri, Morgan, Kraken, and Vodka.

Whiskey lives with her shoal in a planted 20 gallon with a shoal of paleatus corydoras. She is fearless and will often come to the glass if she thinks i am going to feed them. She is not a fussy eater, she tries to eat anything that fits in her mouth. But, a particular favourite treat of hers is chopped freshly molted mealworm. Goes around with a bit in her jaws and chews all the juices out before dropping the shell later. She enjoys omega one flakes, omega one frozen carnivore mix, and bug bites as the regular staples. She is not above trying to steal the cories shrimp pellets either, but once she realizes theyre too large for her she ignores them.

Turned the lights on real quick to snap the verification photo
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“The Shadow Knows”​
This is my Black Skirt Tetra named "Shadow.” He lives in a well planted 35 gallon 24 inch tall hex tank along with 3 other Black Skirt Tetras, 2 Neon Tetras, 3 Harlequin Rasboras, an Asian Fisherman, and my Bushynose Pleco named "Nessie".

It is relatively easy to get a decent picture of him as he is inquisitive and when I hold my older iphone 6S near the tank, he will freeze and watch what I'm doing as I take pictures of him. He is about two years old. The 4 Black Skirt Tetras will playfully chase each other around the tank but I don't believe any nipping is going on.

I feed him New Life Spectrum flakes as his main diet, but occasionally he gets fed freeze dried bloodworms, betta bits, or for a really special treat, I feed him frozen brine shrimp which he goes crazy over.

On Halloween, he "dresses up" as a Witch on a Broom and I will usually post his pic on Halloween on TFF so he can show off.

If you want a nice group of interesting tetras and you have at least a 15 gallon tank that is at least 20 inches long, get some Black Skirt'll be glad you did.
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This is Nemo! He’s named so as he likes to wander off on his own from the shoal.
Species: Paracheirodon innesi (neon)
Age: about 3 months
Tank mates: 4 other neons, 4 guppies, and 2 otocinclus
Tank size: 15 gallon and planted
Feeding: Tropical fish flakes, he sometimes likes to nip at the algae wafers for my ottos and sometimes peas and cucumbers as well
He’s my special tetra who loves to wander off and explore the tank on his own. When I got him his tail was highly damaged from his bigger former tank mates and I’ve managed to heal it completely (yay!). He loves to hang with my more outgoing Otto and my smallest guppy. I’ve also learned photographing tetras can be very hard
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Name: Jawbone

Species: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (Black Skirt Tetra)

Age: Purchased Feb. 28th 2020 at Sedona AZ Petsmart.

Tanks mates: 3 additional Black Skirt Tetras purchased at the same time as Jawbone, Later added 10 CPD's , 5 Venezuelan Pygmy Cory (Corydoras habrosus), 7 Otocinclus, 9 Lambchop Rasbora (Trigonostigma espei)

Tank size: Acrylic 35 US Gallons

Feeding: TetraColor Tropical flakes and Hikari Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms; Small amount of each twice a day until satisfied. Hikari Sinking Wafers for the Cory's and Oto's, every other day.

Traits: Jawbone is one of four Black Skirt Tetra's that are constantly posturing with each other maintaining an individual territory in the tank. Jawbone is usually positioned in the rear of the tank, except when feeding time arrives. All four are quite aggressive with each other with respect to feeding time. They leave all other tank mates alone and only focus on each other.

Plants: Bacopa Monnieri, Java Fern, Ludwigia Ovalis, Vallisneria Asiatica, Vesicularia Dubyana (Java Moss)

Other information: Taking photo's are always difficult with a lot of trial and error. Used a Samsung J7 phone for this photo. CPD's most challenging for photo's. I restarted this tank in Feb. of this year starting with the 4 Black Skirt Tetras due to their hardiness and ability to survive the initial tank cycling. The tank had been sitting idle for two years while completing a home renovation. Was anxious to get it restarted. Aquaclear HOB filter, two Cobalt Powerheads for undergravel filter, Two Sponge filters attached to HOB filter inlet. 30% water changes once a week.

Good luck to all !!
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This is my rummynose tetra.
Age: approximately 2 years

Housing: 55 gallon planted aquarium

Tankmates: a shoal of rummynose, a shoal of otocinclus and a single mystery snail

I apologize for the poor photo quality! Tetras are so hard to get pictures of
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End of Entries
Please slowly scroll up as you review the 7 entries and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of the thread. Good luck to all entrants. Thanks for participating in our Fish of the Month Contest.

Our Tank of the Month contest will resume on July 1st. For July , we will be featuring tanks sized at 17 to 29 US gallons. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you will enter the contest. You will have 7 days to enter the contest staring July 1st.

Remember: It's not whether you win or lose that is important...what's important is that you participate in our contests.
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NCaquatics has won June FOTM. If you want to congratulate her, go to the Winner's thread HERE.

Next up is our TOTM contest. For July, we will feature tanks sized at 17 to 29 US gallons. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you will enter the contest. Entry period starts on July 1st.
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