New flowerhorn suddenly got sick

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New Member
Mar 18, 2020
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United states
We recently got a small flowerhorn and for some reason, he suddenly got sick. When we had got him, we did not see that he had some type of body fungus until we got home. It wasn’t a problem so we acclimated him to his cycled 55 gallon tank ( we plan on upgrading as he got bigger, right now he’s maybe 3 inches long), and put in some paraguard. It cleared up in three days and he was doing great, we did do another dosage the next day just to be sure it was all gone. After having him for a week, he was doing a lot better and getting comfortable. Yesterday, before we left home he was doing great and he was acting normal. When we got him late that night, he has these horrible spots on his head and his sides looked irritated from rubbing on his substrate. I’m almost positive this is ich, I raised the temperature and added in some paraguard (we have treated ich with this before) and I’m slowly going to raise the temperature a little bit more, is there anything else I can do to help him?


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Hole in the head disease or Head and lateral line disease (same thing).
It's caused by Hexamita, that grows rapidly in dirty tanks and regularly infects cichlids.
The fish is also really skinny.

If you have only had the fish for a week, it would have had this problem in the shop and the stress of being caught, bagged up and moved to your house, then treated with chemicals probably caused it to flare up.

Metronidazole is the medication normally used to treat it. However, you can sometimes get it to settle down by doing big (75%) daily water changes and adding some salt (2 heaped tablespoons per 20 litres/ 5 gallons of tank water).
Hole in the head disease or Head and lateral line disease (same thing).
It's caused by Hexamita, that grows rapidly in dirty tanks and regularly infects cichlids.
The fish is also really skinny.

If you have only had the fish for a week, it would have had this problem in the shop and the stress of being caught, bagged up and moved to your house, then treated with chemicals probably caused it to flare up.

Metronidazole is the medication normally used to treat it. However, you can sometimes get it to settle down by doing big (75%) daily water changes and adding some salt (2 heaped tablespoons per 20 litres/ 5 gallons of tank water).
Thank you very much, He was in a tank with a larger male and some other fish in the store so we figured he got bullied by him and didn’t get enough food. When we first tried to feed him he would just spit everything out but he finally started eating and swimming around his tank. I just feel horrible that this happened to him and it happened so quickly as well.
Thank you very much, He was in a tank with a larger male and some other fish in the store so we figured he got bullied by him and didn’t get enough food. When we first tried to feed him he would just spit everything out but he finally started eating and swimming around his tank. I just feel horrible that this happened to him and it happened so quickly as well.
Could you take him back to the shop maybe?
Could you take him back to the shop maybe?
Most likely not, the shop is 2 hours away from us and we can’t leave town until the weekends. I really want to help him get better and get over this, I get attached to my fish easily and if they get sick, I want to help them all the way through it.

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