Restoration Tank

I have a couple. You can actually do a lot with them. :)
I can think of plenty to do with them, suspect I'll be in enough trouble when I bring one in.
Currently suffering from recurring fantasies about a 12' panorama wall. This would be mode up of 4x3' tanks side by side with a single visual theme running through them and completely different (incompatible?) occupants.
No wait make that 5 then I could have a river running through mountains, forest, savannah and coastal wetland. Then obviously #5 would have to be marine :rofl:
Must confess none of my fish have ever had cucumber cos I can't stand the stuff or the way it makes the fridge smell. Made the mistake of letting SWMBO do the shopping last week and now there is some in the fridge :dunno:. Do I blanch it or just feed raw?
I'm moving all my fish to their 33 and I'll give them a cucumber snacc :lol:
Started the restoration on the 22g long last night. Give it a good clean out and left it to air dry over night firstly.

Then started the process of removing the old sealant with a hand glass scraper and after going over the seams a second time i finished off with a wipe down with a bit of acetone.

Once dried i sealed it back up with translucent aquarium silicone sealant and moved on to the exterior and put some trim on the base sides.

Once the sealant is dry i will tidy up the edges and give it another wipe down then see if holds water :)
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Must confess none of my fish have ever had cucumber cos I can't stand the stuff or the way it makes the fridge smell. Made the mistake of letting SWMBO do the shopping last week and now there is some in the fridge :dunno:. Do I blanch it or just feed raw?
Seems to be a hit all around. Have to put 2 pieces in the community tank, 1 half way up the side because the pencil fish demolished it last time.
Shrimp seem to like it too ;)

Todays the day :eek: Ive filled the tank half full to see if its water tight. Going to leave it 24hrs and then put more water in and leave for a full week.

Fingers crossed it will all be good so i can start sourcing a lid and light before i scape it :)
Tanks full and i have no leaks atm :yahoo:
Starting to look into sorting a lid and light unit for it now.

I have the old hood with the condensation cover which i could clean up and spray black or source some kind of glass cover and get a light unit to hang over the top.

Once i sort that out im going to build a double tier stand for it then set it up ready for fish.

Still looking at stocking. I definitely want some Cichlids, its just a case of
deciding if its going to be just Cichlids or them with other tank mates.
Light unit, lid, Sand, driftwood, heaters and air pump ordered today. Been for a walk and collected some stone so just the back ground and plants to sort after i build the stand :D
Busy fish day today :) set up the restored 22g long and moved the 15g next to it on some units i bulit up last weekend. Might add a few more plants in the 22g and tinker abit more with the 15g but nearly there.

Ive decided to freshly cycle the new tank so things will hopefully settle down more with covid-19 etc. Then it should be ready to stock around fathers day (Wifes struggling for ideas so fish it is lol)

Idea at the moment is to stock it with a pair of apisto's or a single Bolvian ram then a shoal of Rummy nose Tetra or Lambchop rasbora

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Busy fish day today :) set up the restored 22g long and moved the 15g next to it on some units i bulit up last weekend. Might add a few more plants in the 22g and tinker abit more with the 15g but nearly there.

Ive decided to freshly cycle the new tank so things will hopefully settle down more with covid-19 etc. Then it should be ready to stock around fathers day (Wifes struggling for ideas so fish it is lol)

Idea at the moment is to stock it with a pair of apisto's or a single Bolvian ram then a shoal of Rummy nose Tetra or Lambchop rasboraView attachment 104868View attachment 104869View attachment 104870View attachment 104867
How are you meant to choose between these???? ???? :wub:


Apisto's slight favourite for this tank at the moment tbf. They would fit perfectly in the caves ive done. Ive wanted BR's for a long time tho....difficult man:thumbs:
Nice job on the stands, do you do them in flat packs? ;)

The 3 footer looks great.

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