Black Beard Algae Growing during my 20gallon cycle?

What should I do?

Try to pin down the source. Keep the filter rinsed, especially the finest media (the sponge/foam type which catches the smallest particles). Check a clear jar/glass of tap water to see if that is the source. Does the substrate stir up gunk easily?
Will check the tap water for any particles. The substrate does stir gunk easily.
The tap water is clear. Would this go away while doing my weekly water changes? And does this effect any live plants or fish?

I do have an air stone on one side of the tank and a sponge filter that moves the water around if that is any helpful.
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The tap water is clear. Would this go away while doing my weekly water changes? And does this effect any live plants or fish?

I do have an air stone on one side of the tank and a sponge filter that moves the water around if that is any helpful.

It depends what it is. If it is just suspended organic matter, it shouldn't affeect fish, it might cause issues for plants if it settles too thickly on leaves. Water changes may help, but if it is being stirred up somehow it will likely continue. It may setytle out. Try vacuuming the substrate. The sponge filter is OK, they are good at trapping particulate matter, just keep the sponge rinsed so it can continue to easily trap. Airstones are not helpful as they willonly keep it swirling around so I would turn that off at least until this is resolved.
This started growing in my other 10g tank. Any thoughts on what it is?


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This started growing in my other 10g tank. Any thoughts on what it is?

Probably algae, almost looks like diatoms--does it come off with your fingertip? Any submersed surface especially with light will develop algae of some sort.
Yeah it comes off really easily when I touch it. Does it go away on its own?
Yeah it comes off really easily when I touch it. Does it go away on its own?

Yes and no. New tanks are biologically unstable for several months so diatoms (the brown algae) is common. I rarely see it, in fact I don't think I have for years now, because I always use lots of floating plants and that does wonders. However, it may clear up or not as you progress. Fortunately it is manageable while you have it, easy to keep off of glass and hard surfaces. Algae is not bad, it is just a lower form of plant that uses light and nutrients available. You just want to keep it in check. Going forward, if there is low light or high silicates this algae can remain. Snails will eat it, as with most of the common algae fish though I do not recommend getting any fish just for this; that usually causes even worse problems.

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