My Bettas fins are going clear

i need help

New Member
May 4, 2020
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My Bettas fins are going clear, i’ve had him for awhile now and his fins recently started to go clear i’ve done full water changes and i feed him every day with blood worms and sometimes pellets. once it started to happen i did more water changes thinking it was ammonia burn and rinsed all of his tanks parts off.
When i first got him one of his plants had a weird white slime on it.
His water is at a consistent 28°-26°c and i do 25% water changes every second day and a 100% water change every month.
He seems quite happy still and comes to the glass every time i walk into the room and he follows my fingers if i move them in front of his tank.
I keep him in a 7L tank and im saving up for a new on for him, he has a filter and i wash it out with the old tank water every four days. I use pincers to remove any dead leafs from the tank. Please help i don’t want him to die
Did you cycle your tank?

Dont do 100% water changes, moving the fish stresses him. You can do 75% or even 90% water changes. Leave him in the tank while changing the water.

What are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels?
Do you have a before photo? His fins look just fine from the photo you posted.

But, ill add in, new fin growth on bettas comes in clear.
i dont have a test kit for the ammonia levels and that but im going to go down town to get one tomorrow if they’re open and here’s a photo beforehand
and it’s mainly the fins behind his head, my camera isnt the best so it doesn’t show as well.
Don't do 100% water changes, do 75% water changes every weeks or every 2 weeks (depending on how much food you gave him and Nitrate)
you should cycle your tank, its the only way to get rid of Ammonia

Cycle a tank is when you put Ammonia and Nitrite down to 0 by using Nitrosomonas bacteria to "eat" Ammonia and turn them to Nitrite then another bacteria name Nitrobacter and Nitrospira will "eat" Nitrite and turn them to Nitrate (NO3-) you can speed up the process by buying the “bacteria bottle”, Add it to the tank with fishes and test the water every single day until Ammonia and Nitrite drop to 0 and Nitrate start to increase.

For now, do 75% daily water changes and substrate clean using gravel syphon, Add salt; rock salt, pool salt or aquarium salt to the tank, for the dose @Colin_T will answer.
Thanks guys for the help i’ll try what you guys have told me for a until he gets better and i’ll keep you guys up to date if he doesn’t end up getting his colour back. Once again thanks
i feed him every day with blood worms and sometimes pellets
Bloodworms are not very nutritious and are full of fat. It would be better to feed the pellets most days and keep the bloodworms for a treat, once a week at the most.
They won't be causing any change to his fins but they will affect his long term health.

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