How to prepare twigs or branches?


Fish Aficionado
Apr 16, 2020
Reaction score
Bristol, UK

These are the branches and a little twig I've found. They look pretty awesome and I think that loaches would love them :D
I know they still have some leaves on them, but I will get rid of them, eventually I'll end up in boiling them and extracting tannins from them.

How would I have to prepare them? Boiling? Soaking?

But first excuse my cat for biting the branch. He's hungry every 15 minutes and then comes running and meowing to window for a paté.
No idea on whether they remain toxic after they're dead. I wouldn't risk it either way because some plants remain toxic for a long time after they've died and dried up like ragwort.
I've no idea what those shrub species might be, so they may or may not be safe.

Moving on from that big "?", if the branches have been off the shrub long enough to become dead dry, OK. I would not boil them as they may completely fall apart (boiling does weaken and separate wood fibres), and it is questionable what beenefit boiling might have anyway. Anything absorbed by wood can take years to leech out.

EDIT. As I was typing, Sylvan posted they are Privet. Apparently Privet is poisonous to dogs, so I would not put them in an aquarium.

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