Betta looking so much better :)

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They're not really torn, they're just not the same intensity of white if that makes sense. No blood or anything, but I did notice a thicker streak of brownish on the back 1/4 of his bottom fin that I've never noticed before. I'll see if I can find something to point it out in. I only saw it when he was in the back of the tank so I couldn't see it very well. Hopefully it's nothing and it was either there before, not actually there, or will go away soon.

I also looked up some pictures of fin rot. He doesn't have a whole lot of breakage or snapping, it's mostly just that the membrane has thinned

Edit: I can't see the streak at all in any of his pictures. I've decided it had to have been a shadow or something behind him, but I'll keep looking. I'm super paranoid now that he's gonna get really sick again
Keep an eye on him but dont be too paranoid. You'll just stress yourself out :)
Keep an eye on him but dont be too paranoid. You'll just stress yourself out :)
Lol. Agreed. I think that I will allow myself to feel happy that we brought him back. Hank is happy too, he's playing in his leafy plant. I want to buy an air stone for him because he really likes playing in bubbles, and a lot of you recommended it while he was sick. Some plants to help cycling will likely have to come first though.

Speaking of cycling, I know I just said I was going to relax but that's a very important thing that needs to happen soon. I believe I will search for an unused 5g bucket to let his prime sit in for 24hrs so it doesn't kill off the safestart when I finally apply it. 50% wc sundays here we come
So the filter had been off since Hank got sucked into it the first time today. I tried to turn it on a little while later and he immediately turned towards it. He swam up behind the heater before moving closer and sticking to the side. I'm not sure what his hyperfixation on the filter is, but I'm not sure how safe it is for him to stick to it like that so it's still off for now. My mom told me that she may have some pantyhose to donate to the cause, so now my next question is: how is it applied, and will it be the correct solution to my problem? I'm mainly looking for something to reduce the pull of the intake without reducing the function, so even if he tries to go up to it again he won't be stuck.

Also, has anyone else ever had this same problem? I figured his fins getting pulled would make him dislike the filter but the instant it was turned on he turned to swim towards it. Why is he such a funny little fella?
Update today on Hank???
He's swimming around blowing bubbles at the top of the water now. I'll feed him soon and give you updates to that, still figuring out what he'll get. My mom insists on me just dropping flakes at the top of the water and leaving it, but I don't really want to do that. I fed him a few underwater yesterday with his tweezers so he wouldn't get any air in his tummy with how sick he just was, and the flakes say they boost color so I'm hoping they'll help him a little. I am still gonna try to get him on pellets because I don't want him to have to be fed every single meal by hand (my mom insists that I'm spoiling him already lol.)

I'm gonna see what I can do with his filter and probably post it in his tank progress thread. I am also probably gonna to his water change tomorrow and then apply his safestart on Monday and monitor his parameters to make sure it kicked in. Other than that, I will keep you updated!
I'm so glad hes doing better!

When I was in NZ last, I set up a 20g tank for a betta for my cousin, that betta was the stupidest fish I ever saw, he wouldn't stop swimming towards the filter and getting stuck. Lol I wonder if it's just a weird betta thing?
Hank update! He got a very late breakfast today because his initial one was interrupted before I could hardly give him anything, so he was fed a variety or worms and flakes. Getting him to eat the pellets is like trying to get children to eat vegetables lol. I did play with him a little, as I would move the tweezers and have him chase them a little to work for the latter half of his meal. I think we both really enjoyed it!

Also, his desk lamp was set up today. It really brings out his coloring, pictures included. I put his bridge back in too so he had an extra hide, I had to take it out when he was sick because I kept bumping it during water changes. I'm so proud of his recovery, he is active and healthy and playing, and his color is slowly creeping back!

How long until I revert to one meal a day? He had a little more than usual today because I was worried that he didn't get enough last night, so he may not get dinner tonight just in case


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I'm so glad hes doing better!

When I was in NZ last, I set up a 20g tank for a betta for my cousin, that betta was the stupidest fish I ever saw, he wouldn't stop swimming towards the filter and getting stuck. Lol I wonder if it's just a weird betta thing?
It just might be! After I fed him today I tried the filter one last time and he did the exact same thing again. Funky little fish, maybe they're brothers XD
It just might be! After I fed him today I tried the filter one last time and he did the exact same thing again. Funky little fish, maybe they're brothers XD
Maybe lol
Hank update! He got a very late breakfast today because his initial one was interrupted before I could hardly give him anything, so he was fed a variety or worms and flakes. Getting him to eat the pellets is like trying to get children to eat vegetables lol. I did play with him a little, as I would move the tweezers and have him chase them a little to work for the latter half of his meal. I think we both really enjoyed it!

Also, his desk lamp was set up today. It really brings out his coloring, pictures included. I put his bridge back in too so he had an extra hide, I had to take it out when he was sick because I kept bumping it during water changes. I'm so proud of his recovery, he is active and healthy and playing, and his color is slowly creeping back!

How long until I revert to one meal a day? He had a little more than usual today because I was worried that he didn't get enough last night, so he may not get dinner tonight just in case

Hank the Wonderfish! He looks fantastic now! I think a few days more and you can probably cut the feeding down to once a day.
Hank update! He got a very late breakfast today because his initial one was interrupted before I could hardly give him anything, so he was fed a variety or worms and flakes. Getting him to eat the pellets is like trying to get children to eat vegetables lol. I did play with him a little, as I would move the tweezers and have him chase them a little to work for the latter half of his meal. I think we both really enjoyed it!

Also, his desk lamp was set up today. It really brings out his coloring, pictures included. I put his bridge back in too so he had an extra hide, I had to take it out when he was sick because I kept bumping it during water changes. I'm so proud of his recovery, he is active and healthy and playing, and his color is slowly creeping back!

How long until I revert to one meal a day? He had a little more than usual today because I was worried that he didn't get enough last night, so he may not get dinner tonight just in case
That is AWESOME!

It’s so great to hear that he is swimming around and eating! Great job @Quin and Hank! :fish: :)
How long until I revert to one meal a day?
You should feed him 3-5 times a day for the next month so he can build up some strength. Feed him a variety of food and don't force him to eat anything. Just be grateful he is eating and let him eat and recover before expecting him to take pellets or other strange foods. If he eats pellets, that is fine but at this stage, just let him eat whatever he wants so he can recover.

Do daily water changes to keep the water clean.
Do daily water changes to keep the water clean.
I will start doing that again. My mom says we have an unused 5g bucket I can use to treat the water 24hrs in advance before adding, but I'm not sure if I need it until after I get it cycled
I will start doing that again. My mom says we have an unused 5g bucket I can use to treat the water 24hrs in advance before adding, but I'm not sure if I need it until after I get it cycled
Make sure to clean it super good. Don’t clean it with any harsh chemicals.

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