Which Corys Do You Have?

I have 4 Corydoras Amandajanea cats.
Corydoras Amandajanea.jpg
Thanks Munroco.
I absolutely love them. They are now fully grown and thriving. Unfortunately, they have become increasingly nocturnal and as a result, they tend to hide away during the daylight hours only coming out fleetingly.
I keep:

7 trilineatus

1 trilineatus/panda hybrid

8 paleatus (6 standard, 2 albino)

10 pygmaeus

4 weitzmani

1 ambiacus

7 aeneus (5 standard, 2 albino)


1 aeneus/schultzei hybrid

Photos taken both with phone and good camera. Obviously keep multiple tanks.
I keep:

7 trilineatus
View attachment 100584

1 trilineatus/panda hybrid
View attachment 100581

8 paleatus (6 standard, 2 albino)
View attachment 100585View attachment 100587

10 pygmaeus
View attachment 100578

4 weitzmani
View attachment 100583

1 ambiacus
View attachment 100580

7 aeneus (5 standard, 2 albino)
View attachment 100579
View attachment 100588

1 aeneus/schultzei hybrid
View attachment 100589

Photos taken both with phone and good camera. Obviously keep multiple tanks.
Nice looking cory, wish my camera took nice pictures like that
I keep:

7 trilineatus
View attachment 100584

1 trilineatus/panda hybrid
View attachment 100581

8 paleatus (6 standard, 2 albino)
View attachment 100585View attachment 100587

10 pygmaeus
View attachment 100578

4 weitzmani
View attachment 100583

1 ambiacus
View attachment 100580

7 aeneus (5 standard, 2 albino)
View attachment 100579
View attachment 100588

1 aeneus/schultzei hybrid
View attachment 100589

Photos taken both with phone and good camera. Obviously keep multiple tanks.
Really good pics. Wish mine came out like that
I only have 2 albino corys at the moment. I truly love their personalities, they are so friendly and want to investigate everything!!! My older albino(his name is cory) loves to zip around and do circuits in the tank. My younger albino(finn is his name) is very laid back and is sooo chill.... he just soaks everything in and likes to hang with everyone in the tank.

I was just thinking about if any of my cories could cross breed? I noticed my biggest trillineatus has gotten very plump :) I have green c. aeneus, trilli's, pandas, black venezuelans and one sterbai.
Update on the tank when?

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