Hey, thanks for all the kind words everyone! Wow, what a friendly site, with a nice bunch of folks!
The two larger vertical rocks are base rock, lava with some cool holes that the damsels are already using. I had to epoxy the larger piece to the wall of the tank to get it to stay in place. It does a good job of hiding the filter pick-up tube and gives the fish a good place to hide. The two smaller rocks are live rock, only a pound each for now. I want to see how they do before I put any really big pieces in, at $10/pound, I thought I would "test" some smaller pieces first...
I figured I'll try fish only for a year or so. If/when my water levels are looking good, I may try adding some corals. They are soooo cool looking in the lfs! I just don't want to get them now and end up losing them, until I have more experience in the hobby. I'm going to try and get "reef friendly" fish, so adding the coral later will work out. Thinking of a Clown Fish as my 1st "real" fish and going from there.
Equipment wise, I have a Rena Filstar xP2 canister filter. I also have a Red Sea Prizm skimmer, but can't use it now as it is a hang on type and the back of the tank is flush with the wall. I am figuring a way to modify it, and mount it inside the closet. The light is Current 24" 65 watt dual element, with a neat blue led "moon" light for when the main light is off.
I know most of you will probably roll your eyes, but my G/F want to do a Nemo tank. Actually, I talked to the guru at the lfs, and he said it's do-able (except the Blowfish). The Morish Idol is a bit hard to keep, but he said a Bannerfish looks almost the same, and are much more hardy.
Again, thanks for the warm welcome, and look for me to be asking a BUNCH of questions.