Possible lymphocystis, not sure though.

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Feb 27, 2020
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Greetings. I need some help with this one and I appreciate the fact that you are all here. I have a veil tail and I am about 99% sure he has lymphocystis. It's not the first time I've seen it, but I would like some opinions. His biofilter crashed and I didn't notice until it started growing on his fin/back. At first I thought it was columnaris, but he's had 12 days of furan-2/metro/kana and that ended a week ago. It goes through what seems like a cycle. It starts out as the white cauliflower looking spots and after a few maybe 3 days, the spikes/fuzz appears which floats away on its own after a couple more days, sometimes taking part of the fin with it, it starts to go away and this repeats. I'm going to try to attach some pictures.
Free ammonia 0ppm per gas exchange test.
Total ammonia 2ish ppm (I tore down his tank and I'm using prime and daily water changes)
nitrites are barely detectable
nitrate 0
ph 7.5.

Oh yeah, he's also had aquarium salt, but I'm not using it any more.

Any help is appreciated.


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That looks so familiar. Several years ago one of my bettas had growths like this. I too assumed it was lymphocystis but I have told since that it was actually tumours because the lumps were not white like a cauliflower.
Does the lump sort of deflate then grow back even bigger?

I never found any treatment. The betta behaved normally until shortly before I euthanised him. My betta's first and biggest lump was right above his gill, and the lump got so big it engulfed the gill. I decided the time had come when he stopped eating and swimming and just lay on his side on the bottom of the tank.
The lump on your fish is not going to do that. But I don't know if there is any treatment that will cure it.
it's weird. Some of it will go away and in as little time as a day it will grow back. It's been getting smaller actually. And when the fuzz grows that's when part of the fin will fall off. He acts completely normal. He swims to the top every time I come over to him. He eats, flares, everything seems normal. I know it's difficult to see in the picture, but some of the fin is still there, it looks knotted up.
I had one with the same type of issue. It didn't seem to bother him for the most part. I too, assumed lymphocystis, but never having had any experts diagnosis it, I can't be certain. I had a thread going on this site about him. You can search my user name I think, if you are interested in reading that thread. There were many good folks that had advice and thoughts on it.
it's weird. Some of it will go away and in as little time as a day it will grow back. It's been getting smaller actually. And when the fuzz grows that's when part of the fin will fall off. He acts completely normal. He swims to the top every time I come over to him. He eats, flares, everything seems normal. I know it's difficult to see in the picture, but some of the fin is still there, it looks knotted up.
White fluffy stuff that causes part of the fin to fall away with the fuzz, is fungus (Saprolegnia) and can normally be treated with salt, Methylene Blue, or an anti fungal remedy.
More pictures that are in focus might help confirm fungus.

The problem is not Lymphocystis, which normally grows on the edge of the fins and is firm to the touch. Lymphocystis is a stress virus and is extremely rare on Bettas due to them living on their own.

If you use salt, use 2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt, sea salt or swimming pool salt for every 20 litres of tank water. Keep the salt in the water for 2-4 weeks and then water change it out.

If you do water changes, you need to add salt to the new water before adding it to the tank.
That was really hard to read. I admit I'm crying right now. I contacted someone yesterday about a 75 gallon they are selling and if it is in good condition, I"m going to buy it. 100 bucks is worth it to me if it will help him be more comfortable. I have a friend with some cycled sponges that I'm going to go get too. I have been stressing over this for a month now, and have read anything and everything I can find on the internet. The advice I keep seeing is to give him the best life possible, reduce stress as much as possible and hope for the best. I've also read some research that was done in Florida about using acycovir at 200 mg per 10 gallons for two days, and I happen to have a prescription for it. I'm seriously considering trying it, but I will hold off until I feel I have no other choice. I've also read about feeding them lysine and olive leaf extract as they are natural occurring antivirals. The "growths" are bright white though, and like I said this white to grey fuzz will grow on it every so often. They look kind of like what I saw in your thread, but kind of different at the same time. If it's lympho, hopefully his immune system will catch up and spress it on it's own. I'm still very open to any suggestions. Thank you.
I was typing that when you posted Colin_T. Thank you. That's something else I've come across too. I had him in that concentration of salt for a week when this first started and I"m not sure it helped. But I can try again for the longer period you suggested. I've been hesitant to use fungal medicine because I don't want to just throw everything at it and hope it works, but if you think that's what it is, I'll try anything.
Let me try and get some better pictures. He always swims up close to me and it's hard to get a good shot.
Ok, This is a good one. Actually, really good. Thank you again for your help.
btw, that fuzz has grown bigger in the last 2 hours. It looks like it's about to float away.
It definitely is not Lymphocystis.

The white fluffy stuff is fungus but the blue lump with white in it looks like a growth/ tumour.

You can try an anti-fungal remedy to get rid of the fungus and then keep the fish comfortable until it has trouble swimming or stops eating. When that happens you euthanise the fish.
That's what I'm going to do then. Thank you. I'm thinking Methylene blue, but I'm not sure the fish store in Olympia sells it. I'll go down there when they open and see what they have. I don't really want to wait for an online order. I'll pick up some Eugenol too, to have on hand if it comes time. For now though, he's getting a great big new home. Thank you for your help. I really do appreciate it.
Hopefully he can still have a good quality of life and maybe even a decent quantity. I think my little guy lived for about a year - not what they should live, granted, but more than I originally thought. And you are giving yours a great home! So much better than what most fish get, much less bettas! Good luck and all the best to you and your little buddy!
It doesn't have to be Methylene Blue. Any anti fungal remedy will do the job.
I have kordon rapid cure, but I'm a little afraid to use it. I've never used it.

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