Shrimp dying 1 by 1


New Member
Jan 5, 2020
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New York

I have a 6.8 gallon with a variety of Neocaridina shrimp (RCS, blue velvet, black, yellow, orange, red rili, black rili) and some Caridina red crystal shrimp. I also have one tiny zebra danio fry about a centimeter long. There are also some blue velvet shrimp fry that came from a berried female I purchased. I have a sponge filter and a bio compact Oase filter meant for tanks up to 7gallons to move the water a bit. White gravel with aragonite mixed in and planted with Anubias and java ferns. Also two other plants I don’t recall the names of.
Water stats:
Ph: 7.4
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10
Kh: 5
GH: 6
Copper: 0
Phosphates: 0
Every day one is on its side dead on the gravel. I promptly remove when found. Some evidence of molting is observed.
The tank is well cycled and has been established for 6plus months. No females have become berried in the tank and I’ve had the shrimp for a few months. I don’t want to add more shrimp if something in my tank is killing them but I desperately want to see them happy and having babies/establishing colonies, etc. I have mainly females (I although I realized my crystals are all males when I introduced a galaxy who molted a few days later and the crystals all swarmed her right after).
Of note is one RCS I purchased I found ellabiopsidae on the swimmerets and moved him to a hospital tank (treating with ParaGuard with limited success for a couple weeks now). No other shrimp are showing any signs of this however, he was in the main shrimp tank for some time before it was noticeable.

Additionally I thought I saw a tiny planarian sliding up the glass this morning- but then it was gone.
Thanks and sorry for the long post- hoping to provide sufficient info!

Nothing obvious in the parameters you posted. Could you have a plant that has traces of insecticide on it. I once had RCS dying for no apparent reason and did a 90% water change, followed by another the next morning. I had no further problems and the colony has re-established.

Are you aware that you are going to end up with a bunch of wild type neos? When you mix colours you will end up with a tank full of brown shrimp.
I didn’t th
Nothing obvious in the parameters you posted. Could you have a plant that has traces of insecticide on it. I once had RCS dying for no apparent reason and did a 90% water change, followed by another the next morning. I had no further problems and the colony has re-established.

Are you aware that you are going to end up with a bunch of wild type neos? When you mix colours you will end up with a tank full of brown shrimp.
i didn’t think of the potential pesticide issue. I’m okay with brown shrimp- brown is my favorite color :). I can try the water change but such a large change can shock them I heard. I’ve been sticking to 30% every two weeks (don’t want to vacuum the babies but want to clean the gravel...)
Nothing obvious in the parameters you posted. Could you have a plant that has traces of insecticide on it. I once had RCS dying for no apparent reason and did a 90% water change, followed by another the next morning. I had no further problems and the colony has re-established.

Are you aware that you are going to end up with a bunch of wild type neos? When you mix colours you will end up with a tank full of brown shrimp.
Aquatic worms or planarian can eat shrimp from the inside too, it happens to my ano shrimp.
As long as you collect the old water in a bucket, cleaning the tank with baby shrimps is not a problem. There will be babies in the bucket so empty it carefully. It's not practical with a 180 litre tank but when my shrimps were in a 45 litre tank I emptied the bucket with a jug so I could find the babies before I threw the water away.
Aquatic worms or planarian can eat shrimp from the inside too, it happens to my ano shrimp.
I just had two shrimp, since they are both gone do I need to treat the tank with anything? It has one Mystery Snail, a Danio, and one Green Neon Tetra left.
Nothing obvious in the parameters you posted. Could you have a plant that has traces of insecticide on it. I once had RCS dying for no apparent reason and did a 90% water change, followed by another the next morning. I had no further problems and the colony has re-established.

Are you aware that you are going to end up with a bunch of wild type neos? When you mix colours you will end up with a tank full of brown shrimp.
I heard that this would happen to my shrimp as well, they would all turn brown. However, I have had a variety tank of nanos for the last year and I still have blues, reds, browns, greens. I can't seem to get their population very high, the babies don't live as much as I'd like. I'm guessing my guppies eat them.
Aquatic worms or planarian can eat shrimp from the inside too, it happens to my ano shrimp.
Creepy... just did a large water change/gravel vac- it was definitely needed... returned 5 baby shrimp to the tank that were in the bucket. Hopefully this helps and fingers crossed it’s not worms or planarian ‘cause eww- just eww...
I heard that this would happen to my shrimp as well, they would all turn brown. However, I have had a variety tank of nanos for the last year and I still have blues, reds, browns, greens. I can't seem to get their population very high, the babies don't live as much as I'd like. I'm guessing my guppies eat them.
Great to hear- looking for happy shrimp but some colorful variety is nice :) also my six year old when asked what his mommy’s hobby was he replied “buying fish and shrimps” not maintaining the tank or just being a hobbyist LOL. So my thought is I will continue to periodically purchase shrimp so even if all the babies are brown I’ll have colorful adults in the tank :)
I just had two shrimp, since they are both gone do I need to treat the tank with anything? It has one Mystery Snail, a Danio, and one Green Neon Tetra left.
Did you mean to post this on this thread? We don’t have the rest of the info we would need to try to help- probably don’t want my help however until I straighten out my latest shrimp tank challenge- best of luck to you!
Did you mean to post this on this thread? We don’t have the rest of the info we would need to try to help- probably don’t want my help however until I straighten out my latest shrimp tank challenge- best of luck to you!
I thought I quoted another reply post from here or another one of my questions" Do Snails Kill Shrimp? "...basically the reply was --'Planarians and other worms can kill shrimp'. I'm still new and learning how to navigate the Forum.

I had just recently (about 2 weeks ago) added two shrimp to rhe tank. They were fine until a couple days ago.

Of course I would take your advice:
1. You posted all your parameters, smart
2. You don't mind brown shrimp, nice
3. Your shrimp had babies!!!

Seems you are doing something right
I have a shrimp/guppy tank. I have been losing shrimp to my guppies. When my ghost shrimp grow and shed their outer shell the larger guppies attack and eat them. I have seen this twice now. At first I thought the shrimp were just hiding but in the last few days I witness these attacks. Shrimp are very vulnerable after shedding until their new shell hardens. I am soon going to have a shrimp only tank:mad:
I thought I quoted another reply post from here or another one of my questions" Do Snails Kill Shrimp? "...basically the reply was --'Planarians and other worms can kill shrimp'. I'm still new and learning how to navigate the Forum.

I had just recently (about 2 weeks ago) added two shrimp to rhe tank. They were fine until a couple days ago.

Of course I would take your advice:
1. You posted all your parameters, smart
2. You don't mind brown shrimp, nice
3. Your shrimp had babies!!!

Seems you are doing something right
Vanalisa - shrimp can be very sensitive- what are your water quality parameters and did you drip acclimate them? Not uncommon for them to die within a couple of days if the parameters aren’t of their liking. Also if you got them from a pet store that didn’t acclimate them well or got them from a non-reputable breeder they may have had temperature fluctuations or long shipping times that can mean they may not have been in stellar condition when you got them. Basically that may have happened even if your parameters are perfect. But need parameters to see if there is something in your tank that may be detrimental in case you try shrimp again. Are your other fish doing well?
I have a shrimp/guppy tank. I have been losing shrimp to my guppies. When my ghost shrimp grow and shed their outer shell the larger guppies attack and eat them. I have seen this twice now. At first I thought the shrimp were just hiding but in the last few days I witness these attacks. Shrimp are very vulnerable after shedding until their new shell hardens. I am soon going to have a shrimp only tank:mad:
I feel your frustration Viking- I found even the fish that are supposed to get on well with shrimp tend to not be able to resist a newly molted or tiny baby shrimp fry... I attributed it to feeding baby brine shrimp when fish were little then brine shrimp as they grew. I think the fish must think that Neocaridina are the next iteration of tasty treats for them...
can you post some pictures of the shrimp?

check the shrimp for cream or white patches in the muscle tissue in the tail?
if they have white patches in the muscle tissue it is most likely microsporidia, a muscle wasting disease that can sometimes be treated with salt.

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