Betta Update.

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Fish Guru
Tank of the Month 🏆
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Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
Here is my Betta, this is an update thread mostly for @Deanasue ....,



As you can see @Deanasue , his pine cone is completely gone and he is being more active. The only thing that’s still bugging me is that white spot!
He seems to be doing better. That looks like columnaris. Do a big water change and start the Jungle Fungus Cure according to package. Disinfect any nets or things you use in the tank as it is very contagious. Continue to keep me posted.
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Yes, it’s Blaze. How do I safely disinfect nets? Ok, I’ll start the Jungle Fungus Cure today. Should I wait for tomorrow to start? (I’m only asking because I don’t want it to react to the other medication.) Also, is it ok to put my carbon back in to remove the yellow color? Or do I still need to leave it out for the JFC?
Put carbon back in and let run. Then do a water change and start treatment. Disinfect nets in 1:10 bleach water then rinse well and dry. Dip in Prime if you have some after bleach.
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So the carbon won’t effect the effectiveness of the JFC?
What if Blaze/Snails/Shrimp will try to eat the tablet? Do I put it in the filter?
Ok, I just removed the carbon and did a 40% water change. I’m adding the FJC now.
I'm sorry to hear about Blaze. I hope he gets better!
Get well soon blaze!

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