When do you think my platy will give birth?

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Feb 4, 2020
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United Kingdom
Hey so I recently set up my tropical tank again and purchased some platy fish today, I was advised that one of my females is pregnant so I have put her in a separator with a few synthetic leaves at the top so she feels comfortable to drop her fry. Judging by the photos attached when do you think she will drop? Thank you :)


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She hasn't squared off yet so it is not imminent. When a platy is about to give birth, she often looks as though she has swallowed a box.

Those breeding traps are not good for the female. She will become very stressed if she is kept in one for more than a couple of hours. The best thing is to leave her in the tank and have lots of decor for the fry to hide in. If you can catch them you can move the fry to the trap.
How many females do you have? Don't forget they will all have fry at roughly one month intervals, and that's a lot of fry. If you save them all, you'll very quickly become grossly overstocked.
That’s a good point, I only have 2 females at this moment in time, I’ll pop her back into the normal one, thank you!
Hey so I recently set up my tropical tank again and purchased some platy fish today, I was advised that one of my females is pregnant so I have put her in a separator with a few synthetic leaves at the top so she feels comfortable to drop her fry. Judging by the photos attached when do you think she will drop? Thank you :)
Possibly soon, but remove her from the breeder box as she does not look as heavily pregnant as a fish would be a day before they give birth.

If you can avoid the breeder box then do it because it will stress the fish out and she is not likely to eat her own fry unless you have any other fish in the tank which would. They will give birth up to once a month for about 6 months after mating with a male.

You should leave the fry in the tank and just let nature take its course. Some fry may survive. This is so you do not get overrun with fry and have nowhere to put them.
That’s a good point, I only have 2 females at this moment in time, I’ll pop her back into the normal one, thank you!
How many male platys do you have? It's quite important to have at least 3 or 4 female platys to each male so they don't get constantly bullied by the amerous males. female platys can also store sperm for months on end and have sevral broods as a results.

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