Sick Cichlid: any idea what this is?


New Member
Nov 26, 2018
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I was doing a water change yesterday on my cichlid tank (75g, with 5 African cichlids, not 100% sure of specific fish names) and I noticed this little guy. I quickly got him out and placed him in a hospital tank.

Before I did my water change the parameters in the 75g were:
Temp: 80 F (26.6 C)
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: ~20ppm

Any idea what this is so I can begin to treat him? He’s eating normally but is glass surfing a lot.


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Does it look fuzzy. Could be fungus.

No, it doesn’t look fuzzy. It kind of looks like the top layer of “skin” was removed. The outer edges are a little jagged so I can see where the idea it’s fuzzy comes from though in the picture.
I would say it’s an injury then. Do a 50% water change every day for a week. Add some aquarium salt at 1 tablespoon per gallon of dechlorinated water. Mix the salt to dissolve first before adding to tank so it doesn’t sting the fish. Each time you do a 50% water change, add 50% (1/2 tablespoon per gallon) of dissolved salt back in. The salt is an astringent that will fight bacteria.
I would say it’s an injury then. Do a 50% water change every day for a week. Add some aquarium salt at 1 tablespoon per gallon of dechlorinated water. Mix the salt to dissolve first before adding to tank so it doesn’t sting the fish. Each time you do a 50% water change, add 50% (1/2 tablespoon per gallon) of dissolved salt back in. The salt is an astringent that will fight bacteria.

salt is the miracle cure lol thanks for your quick responses!
Salt is an astringent that helps fight bacterial infections. It also reduces stress .

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