Smelly Red root Wood


New Member
Aug 6, 2019
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Hi my tank has been up and running for about 8 weeks and I removed a piece of root to attach some Anobius plants to it and it really did smell, it has been in the tank since set-up, the tank is running great the fish are healthy the water is as clear as a bell, water parameters are OK, I soaked and boiled the root before putting it the tank, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Regards Bob
Is the root Redmoor wood? Or do you know what kind of wood? Does it appear to be rotting anywhere?
Is the root Redmoor wood? Or do you know what kind of wood? Does it appear to be rotting anywhere?
Don’t know what kind of root, no signs of any rotting just this nasty smell it was part of a larger piece until I cut in two, I am going to take it out again and give it a good scrub, when I had it out before it dried a bit and now its back in the tank that furry mould is starting to show again wont last long tho cos the dwarf gouramies will make short work of that when I first put it in it was covered but all gone in a short time.

Regards Bob
It’s normal for wood to get a nasty fish smell after being in a fish tank as wood is porous. If you have Redmoor wood that’s aquarium safe and beautiful wood. If it’s a soft wood it shouldn’t be in your tank as it will rot. Can you post a picture of the wood?
It’s normal for wood to get a nasty fish smell after being in a fish tank as wood is porous. If you have Redmoor wood that’s aquarium safe and beautiful wood. If it’s a soft wood it shouldn’t be in your tank as it will rot. Can you post a picture of the wood?
The image needs to be resized to make it smaller - that is, fewer pixels rather than cutting bits off the photo itself. There are several photographic apps that will do this.
Or just set your cameras resolution to the lowest setting possible, and then take a picture.

I do concur with @Kritastrophe. Wood so very pourors, and it is common for it to stink. :)
What is the size of pic to be able to upload, can not find any rules for this forum.
Or just set your cameras resolution to the lowest setting possible, and then take a picture.

I do concur with @Kritastrophe. Wood so very pourors, and it is common for it to stink. :)

I just guessed a size


  • Redwood 2.jpg
    Redwood 2.jpg
    116.3 KB · Views: 89
As you said, no sign of rotting. I do think it is a good idea to take it out, scrub it really good, and then put it back in. Good luck! :)

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