Aquarium Decorations.

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That One Guy
May 25, 2019
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On the banks of the Yellowstone
Seangee recently apologized for wine barrel decorations in his tank that were being used as a hideout by Cory's. He need not have. Many of these decorations are actually tasteful and add a certain flair to an aquascaping. Many, sad to say, do not. I was in PetsMart recently and looked quizzically at a very detailed German U-Boat and a Lord of The Rings style dragon. I thought they were pretty hokey. I used to have a really nice ceramic (not plastic) Tiki Hut that my Kuhlii Loaches cavorted playfully through. I was really bummed when I broke it. And then there's the Pirate treasure chest that the lid opens up by bubbles and frogmen and all that kitsch. What say you fellow Forumites? Do you love them or loathe them ? Perhaps a contest for them ?
The decor in my main tank is solely wood with plants attached. Several years ago my daughter-in-law thought that a Tardis ornament would make a nice addition to the tank as a birthday present, but my son knows my tastes in tank decor and persuaded her not to get it :)

Nice thought, but not really my style I'm afraid.
I’m not a big fan of most ornaments though I do have two of them.. a tiki ornament in my 10 gallon tank and my asian fisherman in my 35 gallon tall hex tank. The tiki adds color to the tank and matches my betta’s colors and scares off bad spirits :devil: and the asian fisherman goes with my “zen garden fisherman’s paradise” theme.

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Ha. I'm not actually opposed to artificial. With no kids in the house I don't need to worry about the latest spongebob / frozen / star wars toys (see I have no idea what kids are even into these days).

I do have plenty of wood, a few rocks and some coconut shells which also make good caves. Personally I don't see the point of fake plants because real ones do so much to help the system. I do have some pretty cool floating rocks (think the Avatar movie) where I used to grow java moss suspended in the tank. But these are on a shelf in my garage at the moment :)
In my tanks, it is just plain out natural. As @essjay said, I just have have rocks, driftwood, plants, etc. to “fill up” my tank space. I really don’t like “Fake” aquarium decor, because it doesn’t look natural. But that’s juts my opinion. :)
I have some fake decor hide outs in my tanks. I use one of my fake logs to hold java fern in my new tank but that’s the only fake thing I have in my new tank everything else is real drift wood and live plants. I think it’s all personal preference as long as you have some real things that fish need too (ie if you have a pleco you should have real wood for them, etc).
In my tanks, it is just plain out natural. As @essjay said, I just have have rocks, driftwood, plants, etc. to “fill up” my tank space. I really don’t like “Fake” aquarium decor, because it doesn’t look natural. But that’s juts my opinion. :)
Then send mine back! Lol. Just joking. I gave it to you because I was over it all.
I have an upside down clear wine glass in my tank so I could put a rock with anubias on it as a betta resting place. He does use it
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There is that, but have you tried growing floating Anacharis in the tank, and having the betta Reston that? Or buying a betta hammock? :)

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SunGrow 6 in. Option:

The SunGrow option a bigger, and gibes the betta a bigger place to rest. ;)
I got one of those Betta Hammocks and he didn't use it. Same thing with the floating plants. He ignores them. But guess where he does go ? Sits on the heater. Just like a cat. Get them all the nicest toys they could ever want and they play in the box instead. Oh, and by the way, got an e-mail from my favorite online retailer today. They have a special on a Penn-Plax bubbling sunken pirate ship. Gotta admit it does look cool in a weird way.
I think it depends on what you do with the decor. If you pick a theme like the sunken ship and then aquascape around it then it comes to life and doesn’t just look like a piece of fake decor sitting there. They make some really cool fake stone pieces and trees that look great with live plants incorporated in them too. You just have to build around the decor. Even a castle could be cool with vines and plants coming out the windows.
I agree with @Deanasue. It depends on what you do with the decor. I have a tank with artificial decor and one that is all natural except for two clay pots, so I'm not opposed to any form of aquascaping. It really all comes down to the execution.
I think it depends on what you do with the decor. If you pick a theme like the sunken ship and then aquascape around it then it comes to life and doesn’t just look like a piece of fake decor sitting there. They make some really cool fake stone pieces and trees that look great with live plants incorporated in them too. You just have to build around the decor. Even a castle could be cool with vines and plants coming out the windows.
Never thought of that. Almost like a living diorama. Fascinating.

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