Betta fin badly damaged and bruised


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2019
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I came back from work today and noticed our bettas fin is torn and his top is what looks like bruised. I don't have any tiger barbs cause I know they nip fins any idea what could have caused this? Before and after photo sorry about the low quality picture I have a cheap phone I don't believe in spending $1,000 on a cell phone like a lot of people
I can’t tell anything much from the pics on how bad it is. Keep your water pristine and it should heal up. You can add a little aquarium salt to disinfect the wound. Good luck!
I can’t tell anything much from the pics on how bad it is. Keep your water pristine and it should heal up. You can add a little aquarium salt to disinfect the wound. Good luck!
I agree with @Deanasue it’s difficult to tell from the pictures.

Add aquarium salt in with your next water change. Make sure any new water is free from chlorine.

Keep us posted.

Best of luck.
should I add the aquarium salt directly to the tank after I do the water change or should I add aquarium salt to the water that I'm going to be changing while it's being prepped
should I add the aquarium salt directly to the tank after I do the water change or should I add aquarium salt to the water that I'm going to be changing while it's being prepped
Always add it into the water you’re going to replace. It’s best to be added in with your water change, rather than directly into the tank.

Best of luck.
Good luck! I hope they have some in stock :)
Please forgive my ignorance but how does salt in a freshwater environment benefit the fish it was my understanding that's any salt in a freshwater environment equals bad.
So I got home and the betta has passed on, whatever it was got him quick considering two or three days ago he made bubble nest. Last time I try to rescue a betta from Walmart.
I'm going to give the tank a couple weeks worth of water changes and treatment to hopefully kill off whatever caused it before I try again. also I'm going to order some almond leaves because I did not know about that until after I purchased him. Everything else seems to be doing fine although one of my neon tetras has vanished. not suck to the filter not in the plants because I gave them a trim to look for him, and he's not on the stand so he didn't jump out. I'm wondering if my girlfriend's a****** goldfish ate it. Even though it's a small goldfish and he was a relatively decent sized tetra and I can't even find it like a partial corpse anywhere. Do you guys have any recommendations for online sellers when it comes to almond leaves, brine shrimp and dapnia. Unfortunately we don't have any real pet shops where I live. We have Walmart, meijers and PetSmart :/
I have bought IAL’s from Sun Grow on Amazon. As far as brine shrimp, I buy frozen brine shrimp and frozen blood worms from Petco. If you want to hatch your own baby brine shrimp then I recommend Old San Francisco Bay brand. A goldfish could eat a tetra but I have had tetras disappear before too. Goldfish really shouldn’t be in with tropical fish anyway. They have different water chemistry needs and temps. Good luck!
We got the gold fish it's own cheap lil fish tank with a filter. Small one tho so we'll have to get it a bigger one when we can.
Great to hear. Yes, one fancy goldfish needs 20 gallons and a comet, Common, or Shubunkin will eventually need a 100 Gallon. I just moved up as mine grew. I always had something else to put in the tank they were moving out of. Lol!

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