Is this water colour normal?


Fish Fanatic
May 9, 2019
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Hi again, 2 weeks ago I lost 3 little fish which I posted about on here and I ended up panicking and did a whole new tank clean as the water looked yellow and wernt sure if that was to blame for the fish loss then started fresh (with quick start + tap safe etc) that was a week gone wednesday, last wednesday I did my usual 20% water change and again the water looks yellow (hopefully you can see clearly in the picture Ive attached)

Im just wondering if this is normal, I dont have any live plants in there atm or any type of driftwood etc to rule out Tannins, could it be as simple as the crushed flake I feed them dying the water? Thats all I can come up with tbh

Just checked my water parameters which were:

GH 180
KH 80
PH 6.5
No2 0.5
No3 40

Thanks :)


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Is your city water normally that color?

nah its crystal clear, it was clear for the 1st week or so after doing a full tank cleanup then gradually turned that colour again over the last 4-5 days
Mine in my biggest goldfish tank starts having a green tint right before tank cleaning day. I have an issue with some green algae though. I am decreasing the light time on my tank to see if it helps.
Im dying to find out what is causing it as im not sure if whatever it is killed my 3 fish the other week, cant seem to find anything online about it, most sites point to tannins but it cant be that, im still certain its down to the dyes running from flakefood but nothing comes up in searches about that either : /
just did a 50% water change while gravel cleaning and there was a ton of algae amongst it, maybes too much considering its been a fresh tank for only 2 weeks, shall keep my eye on the colouration, I just wanna be 100% certain I know what im doing before spending a lot of money setting up my bigger tank
Is the algae green or brown? New tanks are notorious for getting brown algae which are diatoms caused by silicates in the water. No biggie. Just keep cleaning it off and it will die off in a few months. If it’s green algae then you want to cut your lighting down a little. Good luck!
Is the algae green or brown? New tanks are notorious for getting brown algae which are diatoms caused by silicates in the water. No biggie. Just keep cleaning it off and it will die off in a few months. If it’s green algae then you want to cut your lighting down a little. Good luck!

thanks :) it was actually white, looked like little bits of cotton, i assumed it was algae anyhow lol
Hmmm...that sounds more like fungus or mold from uneaten food. When I look back at your readings, I don’t see an ammonia reading. The mold can cause ammonia spikes which can kill fish. Do you test for ammonia? Your nitrates are high also. You probably need to do large daily water changes to get numbers down and back under control. Then weekly after that. Cut down on food too. Let us know the ammonia reading first. Here to help.
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ah thanks deanasue, I dont have an ammonia testing kit atm, its on the menu though and possibly a better filter for all mine is new I dont think its doing its job right. I was planning on a bigger and better one when I start with my bigger tank anyway where I will be putting plants in etc to help with nitrates.

what is goid btw?
looking at my keyboard now im guessing it was a mistype of food haha my bad, yeah i feed them twice per day but just a pinch each time, will once be enough? only 4 guppies/cory and peacock goby in there atm.
Typo, yes food. Sorry. For the health of the fish, do daily water changes to keep ammonia low. Use Seachem Prime as your dechlorinator as it will bind the ammonia for 24 hours to protect the fish. I’m confident it is ammonia that is killing your fish. Feeding once a day is fine. Good luck!
Typo, yes food. Sorry. For the health of the fish, do daily water changes to keep ammonia low. Use Seachem Prime as your dechlorinator as it will bind the ammonia for 24 hours to protect the fish. I’m confident it is ammonia that is killing your fish. Feeding once a day is fine. Good luck!

thanks again! ive just been reading amazing reviews about Seachem Prime so ill order some of that rdy for my big upgrade :D

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