I was thinking acara maybe? Thanks for the comments, first time fish owner and boy did I get in big. This guy sold me two 55 gal tanks, full hoods, 2 350 magnum pro filters, 4 powerheads, rocks, huge oscar, 3 convicts, black iron stand, hoses, etc, etc...get this...for only $100. Here is a pic of the recent setup I finished today. The bottom tank is the "river tank" with the oscar and convicts and plecotomus, the top tank is the "freshwater tropical" tank with angels, kissers, guamies?
Here are a couple more pics of the unknown fish. I don't know about the FOTM, but thanks B)
Also, the fish changes colors, the first pic I posted he/she is more pinkish but often he/she is darker.
Here is darker: