Betta has a while bumpy scale

Need help to treat betta scale

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Nov 29, 2018
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Hello everyone, I have this betta fish named Boris, had him for half a year, he recently had some kind of velvet disease he recovered from and is eating well and seems healthy, however he has a strange external tumor I believe of some sort and idk how to treat it.
Hope this picture can give answers, thanks


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Hi and a belated welcome to the forum :)
Sorry about the late response but some of the new threads have been taking a very long time to show up :)

How big is his tank?
How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when doing water changes?
Do you dechlorinate the water before adding it to the tank?

Does the tank have a filter on it?
If yes, how often and how do you clean the filter?

How long has he had the white bit for?

Can you post a picture of the fish from the front and side view so we can see the dot from different angles?

It is not whitespot (Ich) so do not treat it for anything until we get more information.

If you are bored and want something to read, the following link has information about what to do if your fish gets sick. It's pretty long and boring but can offer some info as to why fish get sick.
Hello and yes I clean and dechlorinate his water/tank. Here are more pictures, he had it for a month or so


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It's a bit hard to tell what it is from the angle but I will say it's either a tumour or a cyst. These can be fast growing and get bigger over a month or so, or slow growing and take a year to do anything.

There is nothing you can do about tumours or cysts in fish and you just monitor it and see how it goes. If it causes breathing or swimming problems, or the fish stops eating, then you euthanize the fish. Otherwise just feed him a varied diet and keep the tank clean and let him live out his life.
It got bigger. A bit of red sometimes. I added aquarium salt to the tank every week and have been treating is with parasite product (blue liquid). It's gotten bigger I hope the salt will help.
It's not a parasite so adding anti parasite medications is not going to help.

Salt will not help either and will only damage the fish's kidneys if used for a long time (more than 1 month).

It's a tumour, there is no cure. Just monitor and maintain until it causes problems to the fish, then euthanise.
Oh.. Alright then. Thank you. You think I could get him operated in montreal? I've seen videos but I'm wondering where to find those services if last hope
Most vets are unable to operate on fish and have the fish survive, basically the fish usually die on the operating table. And due to the location of the tumour there is probably too many risks associated with it being near the brain. If you do find a vet willing to try, it will cost you a great deal of money (probably hundreds of dollars) and it might not work anyway. Your best bet is just keep the fish comfortable and well looked after and when it gets too bad, euthanise him.

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