A few weeks ago, our angelfish developed a small bump on one side of her body as well as some redness on their head. After only a few days it grew to become a very noticeable bulge on one side. Immediately we began doing water changes which seemed to help at first but then it continued growing, even appearing on the other side of the angelfishes body. We are going to set up a quarantine tank but are unsure of how to treat the fish. The fish is a female and we think may be egg bound. The fish used to have an active partner but only a few months ago that fish passed away. We also are thinking there may be some kind of disease, or it could also be a tumor? We have used salt so far in case of disease, but are considering epsom salt, fasting, or fish medication. The fish is housed in 70 gallons with other tropical fish, most of which seem to be fine, however some tetras have been having small swimming issues and are experiencing fin rot. I haven't noticed any swimming problems in the angelfish and they have a pretty good appetite. Any help with what this could be or treatment would be appreciated, thanks! I also uploaded a photo of the side of the fish