Plecos- Injured anal hole?

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Oct 10, 2017
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One of my plecos (I have two) has a really injured looking anal hole. It looks like it has been injured (like if he slashed it against a sharp rock) or maybe parasites? He has been pooping normal brown poop so I’m not sure what this is. I only noticed it now. I am new here so I will be finding how to attack photos so hopefully someone could tell me what is wrong with my pleco.
Here are the pictures.


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Today I saw his genitalia again and it has gone worse. There’s now white skin around and I think it’s a serious disease and I need help :( I have no clue what this huge hole in my pleco is! He is still pooping and eating normally and my other pleco is totally okay.
Hi there,

I'm so sorry you haven't had a reply yet :/

This is a bit of a tricky problem. It looks, to me, as if your fish has either a hernia or a prolapse. I'm afraid there is nothing, directly, you can do for this; however, fish have quite a simple gut, and can sometimes heal, even from this sort of issue.

The most important thing is to make sure the water is kept very, very clean; so some extra water changes wouldn't go amiss. You'll also want to keep an eye out for any secondary infections, like fungus, that might attack the injury; if that happens you will need to treat it with an anti fungal.Do also make sure the other fish aren't picking on him/her.

I'm sorry I can't offer anything more positive :(
Thank you so much for the reply, I feel less worried :) fingers crossed the pleco heals. I will be doing many water changes and the tank mates are are a few guppies that shouldn’t do any harm to the pleco and never really did. Also I feed my fish with food that sticks on glass so I will be able to see the wound every day and monitor it. Thanks once again, the help was really needed :)
You're very welcome, I hope he gets better, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the little chap.

Do let us know how he gets on x
Hi, I am worried about this little white spot. It appears to have a hole, as it is growing around the butthole however I don’t know if this is fungus developing or just regrowing skin. I will monitor it daily to see if it doesn’t get bigger but maybe someone will know what this is.


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