Any Plants I should Try?

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2017
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I am about to redo my 20gal to replace the substrate with sand. After redoing it plan to add these plants, dwarf sage, rosette sword, water wisteria, and pogostemas stellatus octopus. Any other cool plants I should try? I may try some jungle val as currently my LFS has some in stock.
What is your lighting like? If the lighting is not strong enough then many of the plants you have listed will slowly die off. I think anubias are pretty fool proof and they look lovely with their rich green leaves and depending on species, they can be large or small. Just remember to plant them on a rock or driftwood.

As for the jungle val, they are pretty cool but they have the tendency to grow very long and block out the lighting to the plants on the lower levels. Not too good for smaller, shorter tanks. Also, they spread like mad in good conditions.

All the long green leaves are jungle val.
36gal planted.JPG

Perhaps go for some type of crypt if you want taller plants, amazon swords might do well too.
Wow did not know it grew that much. I just thought I would try some as my local store had some. Any crypts that are good for someone who has not grew any before?
Consider your tap water parameters before buying plants. Some like soft water, some like hard. Also temperature plays a part, some like low temps and others like hard. Some will require fertilisers. Other will require lots of light. Do some research on each individual species to have a better chance at keeping them alive.

I recently bought elodea densa and put it in my tank. It started dying because although it was good for my water parameters, my tank was too warm for it so i have it outside in a bucket. I also bought a dracena plant as recommeneded by my LFS. It too started dying and i have since found out that it is not an aquatic plant, so be careful. It is now in a plant pot
I love Vallisneria aka Val. I have the corkscrew kind and jungle and Giant. Over the years I have had it TAKE OVER a tank but other tanks it did not make it. This plant grows like a weed or it does not grow at all. It needs good light and CO2 to grow like a weed.

Brazilian Pennywort
All Anubias
African Fern

Got to love Crypts and Anubias, for a carpeting plant Monte Carlo is good.

If these plants can survive my tank they can survive anything.
Forgot about this thread till today. The tank is a work in progress but so far I have used pogostemus stellatus octopus, water wisteria, crypt wendetii, rosette sword, and anubis nana petite. Will look into some of these suggestions as the tank fills out and I see what I want to do. How easy is monte carlo to carpet? I have always heard of it being a little more difficult to work with.
How easy is monte carlo to carpet?

Not hard at all, I just stuck it in the substrate and let it do its thing.
Not hard at all, I just stuck it in the substrate and let it do its thing.
Good to know. Will have to try it if I can't get my dwarf sage established enough in another tank to move some to this tank.

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