New Betta -colour change


Fish Fanatic
Jul 14, 2017
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I have only had my Betta a week now and he was at first pinky purple and now he has change colour -more purple. The first 2 pictures are of the betta at the fish shop just before I got him. The next 2 pictures are today. Would too much light cause this?? Should I be worried? Usually he has plants and branches to sit on and has a heater at 23*c -just in a small bowl that he was in when I first got him because his tank wasn't quite ready and also to observe him better.


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In my opinion it is just him settling in and his colour coming out more. This happens with a lot of fish, they look washed out in the shop tank but colour up once they've settled. I once bought some very pale grey-orange ember tetras which turned a deep orange red once they'd settled in my tank.
Agreed, he's showing his true color. That's one reason why I love keeping fish. Depending on the quality of care, they will show their best colors and personalities. In this case, you can tell a lot about a person by the health of their aquatic children.

77 is a perfectly fine temp for bettas. I also have a couple pre-set heaters in some of my tank that stay around that temp while I've adjusted the other heaters to 78-80 for a couple of my betta tanks.
He looks like a veiltail to me.
He looks like a veiltail to me.

Thanks for that -the lady at the shop didn't know much about Bettas but neither do I. I am reading more and more about them. Reading threads from this site is really interesting too!!
Yup he looks like a Veil tail, and I love the name.
Yup he looks like a Veil tail, and I love the name.

Thanks!! NickAu I've been reading posts all over the place and you wrote on one thread that you don't vacuum your gravel -can I ask what is the benefit of not doing so?? :fish::fish::fish::fish::fish:
That is correct I do not bother to vacuum my substrate, I cant see the point of sucking out nutrients my plants need then wasting money using bottled nutrients that cost money, Plus with the number of plants I have you just cant vacuum.
That is correct I do not bother to vacuum my substrate, I cant see the point of sucking out nutrients my plants need then wasting money using bottled nutrients that cost money, Plus with the number of plants I have you just cant vacuum.

Ok! I have a plant on a log starting with N?, can't remember what it's called but it's not doing so well. Some of the leaves are starting to go translucent and I think brown algae is growing on ithe leaves too! I have a Flourish tablets in the gravel but still not going well. I've also got floating lace fern, quite a bit of ambulia and purple temple which I'm going to get rid of but just deciding what to put in its place. I don't think the flourish tabs are doing there job -any suggestions?
woo hoo I just did my first water test. I finally got a water test kit and it's so fun doing a bit of science!!

PH: 7.6
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 0 ppm

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