

Jun 2, 2016
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Anyone want any snails? LOL Free of charge!!! LOL

When I saw the first one I thought it was soooooo OMG....they are in my tank like gravel...

IMG_3411.JPG IMG_3412.JPG
Me, me! Whis my snail population would thrive like that. What do you feed? Looks like there is too much food available for your snails.
Those are Ramshorn snails, so a question for you julielynn...have they bothered your healthy plants? Some have said to me that this snail did eat healthy plants (not just dying leaves), so I wondered your experience.
If you wanted to get rid of it. Any botias type such as clown loaches will get rid of them very fast.
SnailPocalypse, you pay shipping...I can ship

Byron, I thought they were pond snails. But I don't know my "snails" that well. I have not really noticed any plant damage. I have one water wisteria with holes in the leaves, but I never really see a snail on it. Although I see everywhere else!

hobby5, it is not a food thing. These started from eggs on a plant I put in the tank, and I didn't even fish yet, so I wasn't feeding at all. Of course I am now, so that might not be helping matters, but they started multiplying before I had fish to feed. Believe me, I don't know why I have so many. I did a sand vac and what I thought was detritus was baby snails !

What is seen in those pictures is by far not the only snails in the tank. That was just what found the cory food that was not eaten.

I don't really know how to ship, but I guess just a baggie of water, sealed good. I will certainly give it a try to anyone who wants to pay shipping. I have plenty to go around and they are in all my tanks. I don't know what plant they came in on but I have my suspicions it was the anacharis. It was the only plant I put some of in each of my 3 tanks. Funny thing about that is all of it all 3 tanks...but not before seeding with snail eggs....sighhhhhh
yuda, I thought my pictus catfish would eventually grow in size and take care of over population for me. But since that didn't happen I will look into some other fish. Thanks for the suggestion! Can clown loaches can live peacefully with cories and gouramie's?
If I see them snacking on my plants in my 55 gallon war will have to be declared. I have 1 massive amazon sword and one almost massive one in that tank. I would not be happy if they were to start munching on it. But so far there is not a hole in any plant in the 55 or the 10. So I don't know if the holes in the one water wisteria are from snail munching. I kind of doubt that they are. I would think it would be happening in all my tanks if that were the case.
Thanks for the suggestion! Can clown loaches can live peacefully with cories and gouramie's?

Only in a tank that is at least 180 x 60 cm (72 x 24 inches). Clown loaches are huge fish.

Assassin snails would be a better choice, together with feeding the fish less.
My tank is not 6 feet long, but it is 75 gallon and 4 feet long. That seems big enough to me, I know they can get big, but that is a lot of space. I have thought about getting one over the years but never have.
Clown loaches are a highly sociable, shoaling species. You would need at least 6 of them and Seriously Fish advises that at least 10 is preferable.
I would not keep even 6 clown loaches in a 4 ft tank.
My tank is not 6 feet long, but it is 75 gallon and 4 feet long. That seems big enough to me, I know they can get big, but that is a lot of space. I have thought about getting one over the years but never have.

I agree with essjay, this is much too small for clown loaches. If you want loaches, there are several lovely species suited. I have Botia kubotai (five, had six, one died a couple years back) and five Ambastaia sidthimunki (dwarf loach) together in my 4-foot 90g tank. These two species actually live in the same river in Thailand, and they have been together for almost two years now (were in separate tanks for several years prior) with no trouble. But not all loaches are so accomodating; some can be very aggressive terrors to each other and other upper water species of fish besides loaches. My snail population is well under the norm that it is in my other tanks, so these do eat some of them. They are quite attractive species too.

Botia kubotai are known to eat some plants. They have only gone after my sword plant in this tank, and not sufficient to cause any trouble, just a few small holes in a leaf or two. They have never bothered the crypts or red tiger lotus, or the Java Fern obviously, nothing will eat this.

[Pictus were mentioned earlier for snail control, I am not aware of this being the case.]

I have a spare 10 gallon tank with all the things it needs except a heater. Which in south Arkansas is not going to be a problem until Nov. I am going to take it all to my daughter for my grandson....who absolutely loves snails of all kinds. He is 4 years old and is so excited. I told her I can fix him up and he can have his own snails. I mean, I can't get rid of all of them, but I can get rid of some of them without just throwing out. When he comes to the house all he wants to do is look at the snails. Fish? What are those???? Snails is where it is at with him. LOL
I would love some snails how much is shipping to ca for you?

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