Help sexing Firemouth Cichlids


New Member
Feb 16, 2017
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I tried posting this in a different forum but I didnt get a lot of feedback, Im sharing this here in hopes maybe someone more experienced with firemouths can offer more insight as to whether or not i have a matching pair.

At the moment, it looks like one of them likes to camp out by a plant on the back corner of the tank. Seems relatively peaceful so far, aside from chasing off the rams every now and then.

Now the other fm seems to be the alpha of the tank. Hes claimed about 60% of it and will chase anyone that swims past him while on patrol. He will also chase the other firemouth at times, after that he retreats and carries on.

None of the fish are getting hurt or locking lips so far, just normal cichlid stuff.

Here are some pictures: the less dominant one is the darker colored one.
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I kept these guys many years ago and think they are just so gorgeous.

If I remember correctly the males throat will be much more red than the female and also his fins are pointier.
The female is a little less vibrant and her fins are rounder.

But hopefully someone who's up to date on cichlids (as I surely am not) can better help you.

Good luck!
I usually go with finnage. The males have longer and more pointed dorsal and anal fins. Can't tell the first one but the second and third pics look like males to me.
There is no secure way to sex those guys until they lay eggs. For that reason you get no answers. Large adult males are recognicable but your fish are too small for that. Obviously you don't have a matched pair as they don't defend a territory together, but it still could be male and female. Watch some vids on youtube to get a feel for the behaviour of matched pairs. Btw your fish look good. Sit and wait ;)
Thank you all for the feedback. I will keep an eye on them as they keep maturing to see if they pair up. Im hoping to breed some if they do. :)

Side question; would it be too much if i added a third firemouth to the tank? I female most likely?

At the moment I only have the two FMs, two bolivian rams I might be rehoming and a small bristle nose. (Tank is a 55)

Can we get a full tank shot? I think the bolivian rams are not in good company as they are considerable weaker than the fire mouth. More over they prefer much softer water than the fm. Three T. meeki can be done in a 55G, BUT you need to make sure there are enoug hidding spaces and structure in the tank. Otherwise the individual at the end of the pecking line might get beaten badly. But this also depends on the individuals. Imho best would have been to get 6-8 juveniles and let them grow into it. Would also have been much more interesting to watch.

Good luck!

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