New 110l Tank.. stocking level suggestions.

Well... todays water readings are
NH4 - 0
NO2- 0
NO3 - 1

am so pleased with that and think the plants have contributed greatly to the process.. so thanks to all of you for convincing me to have them... I am really loving my tank and seeing the fish enjoy some natural features..

I have 8 male platies.. all different colours... the photos arent great and water has a few floaty bits as I had just rearranged the Egeria (which i really hate... it is so messy... hopefully the water sprite will arrive on monday so can gradually get rid of the stuff! ps... i am guessing it is best to add the water sprite and let it get established before chucking the Egeria out so as to not mess up my nicely balanced tank bacteria?)

The fighting has now stopped.... the big orange wagtail basically fish slapped the one that was being a bully into submission... and now everyone is happy swimming around without unprovoked attacks from the bully!

They are all really enjoying the little cave I made for them with a rock that rests on top of the root... (they also have a log tunnel at the back of the tank that I have attached the java fern to....)

Algae seems all good... between the fish and the snails everything is getting nicely picked clean...

You all need to take credit for helping me set up my first proper tank... the advice really all does seem to be paying off!

Merry Christmas to you all...

Just thought you might like an update on the tank.

All is going well.. my 8 male platies get on well and the plants are growing rapidly! Still no new lights as the second set of tubes were also broken... hoping to find a shop that sells them in the new year!

Am contemplating getting a Betta to join my tank. Just need to add couple more places for it to chill out on nearer the surface first. Have read up and think my tank conditions will suit one just fine... will set myself up a quarantine tank first, both as a quarantine and as somewhere to put him if the platies get too rough with him at all!

Am so pleased I decided to go with a planted tank. Really is a joy to look at.

tank christmas.JPG

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