Help me identify this fish disease please :(


New Member
Dec 18, 2016
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Hello! Im new to this forum but I rrally need help.
Ive had my tank established for over 2 years.(30gal freshwater)
I had 4 fish in it the whole time and just recently I wanted to get more. Bought 3 more a little over a week ago.
Now I have 2 goldfish, 2 molys, 1 angelfish, 2 algae eaters

I noticed they immediately started acting funny when they got their new tankmates. Instead of swimming around, they would huddle together in the corner. All of them would huddle and not swim much at all except to eat. I brushed it off because i thought they were scared of their new environment. But I was wrong!
Yesterday I noticed that 3 of them had glazed over eyes, flaky skin, fin deterioration, slight red-ness around their scales. I knew immediately that something was very wrong. They look so sick and sad. I couldnt do anything that night and when I woke up this morning two of them had passed. (Algae eater and angelfish) the nearest petshop is 30 minutes away and its a total ice storm outside. Im afraid that i will lose all my fish and i dont even know what disease caused this. Its not ICH as I am familiar with that one.

Also, follow up question, do I have to lose my live plants? I dont want the disease speading if I have to restart my tank
I guess it's hard to see in the pic, but in real life, the skin is much more cloudy/flaky and you can see the red color in between the scales and fin


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Im afraid I do not have any stats for you, (ph level) as I do not have a kit and again, the nearest petshop is 30 minutes away on ice covered roads
I'm sorry to say this, but the syptoms are septic. I really don't think you can save this goldfish :( It looks like septicemia brought on by unfavorable water conditions.

I know you lost your angelfish and one 'algae eater' (pleco?), but angelfish are NOT compatible with goldfish. Angels like high temps, goldfish don't require a heater for one. So I would read up to see what is compatible for your tank in the future. You just can't trust the ppl at the LFS.

Did you cycle your tank before adding fish? It's important that your tank had time to go through the proper nitrogen cycle to make it safe for fish. Sometimes adding too many fish at once can cause water issues too. It all depends on the size of your tank, filtration, and set up.

I've used kanamycin (Kanaplex) for bacterial issues in my planted tanks with inverts with no adverse reactions, the medicine didn't kill off my bio, (good bacteria).

But it's important to make sure the tank conditions are safe before medicating. You should see 0ppm ammonia, nitrite and under 20ppm of nitrate. If you are not familiar with this, pls ask for more info about it.
This is not uncommon, thats why i advocate always using a quarantine tank for any new arrivals. It seems that all of your new guests most likely came from one source, which is probably a local LFS or mass marketer (Petco) that has all their tanks on a system, and not very well maintained. The best possible place to get fish that are already sick, and just arent showing the symptoms yet. Sorry for your losses.

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