Nano Iwagumi Planted "serene".. That's The Goal!

The little guys have settled in really well, I can't believe how small they look in this tank! Deffo need to bump up there numbers so as soon as their younger siblings get bigger than the filter grates they'll be in too! Apologies for the image quality - they wouldn't stop moving!!! 
Here's the tank at the moment - I'm really surprised how well the plants survived the journey home from university (although I think the Alternathera spp. red has a magnesium deficiency 
). It's safe to say that this tank is transitioning from an Iwagumi scape to a dutch scape! Ah well, c'est la vie!


Munroco said:
Superb tank, You've done a wonderul job.
Wow, thank you!!
 I feel like the back left hand corner needs some planting but I'm not sure what species to go for?
omg this is such an amazing job!  It really came together beautifully!  You should be super proud.  If you need a tall plant for that corner how about an amazon sword or anacharis, I have both in my 6 gallon along with anubias and cardinal plants for the front.  I also have a zebra nerite, one amano shrimp and 4 endlers.  Fun little group.
Again, gorgeous set up!
thrujenseyes said:
omg this is such an amazing job!  It really came together beautifully!  You should be super proud.  If you need a tall plant for that corner how about an amazon sword or anacharis, I have both in my 6 gallon along with anubias and cardinal plants for the front.  I also have a zebra nerite, one amano shrimp and 4 endlers.  Fun little group.
Again, gorgeous set up!
Thank you very much! It's so nice to talk to like minded individuals, my uni friends just don't understand!

Your tank sounds lovely, have you made a post about it anywhere? I'd like some endlers in this tank once the cories have moved out! 

Heres two of the gang this morning!
fishmad135 said:
omg this is such an amazing job!  It really came together beautifully!  You should be super proud.  If you need a tall plant for that corner how about an amazon sword or anacharis, I have both in my 6 gallon along with anubias and cardinal plants for the front.  I also have a zebra nerite, one amano shrimp and 4 endlers.  Fun little group.
Again, gorgeous set up!
Thank you very much! It's so nice to talk to like minded individuals, my uni friends just don't understand!

Your tank sounds lovely, have you made a post about it anywhere? I'd like some endlers in this tank once the cories have moved out! 

Heres two of the gang this morning!
Hello again, I do have a little video of it (I'd done a water change prior so it's a little cloudy):
I have pictures here and there on this forum, but not being all that savvy with this forum I'm not sure if there is one place you can keep all of your images?  
Anyway.  I adore my little Fluval Edge but have found it so much more difficult to keep than larger tanks as every little thing that can happen...well, is never little.  
Plus the (very cool) design of the tank makes it a total bear to clean.  But my Amano shrimp and Nerite snail are an amazing little clean up crew!
I also never thought I'd enjoy teeny fish so much as I use to keep large cichlids.  But endlers are endlessly in motion and very pretty little fish.  There are so many different varieties out there.
I can't wait to see what you get!!!
fishmad135 said:
omg this is such an amazing job!  It really came together beautifully!  You should be super proud.  If you need a tall plant for that corner how about an amazon sword or anacharis, I have both in my 6 gallon along with anubias and cardinal plants for the front.  I also have a zebra nerite, one amano shrimp and 4 endlers.  Fun little group.
Again, gorgeous set up!
Thank you very much! It's so nice to talk to like minded individuals, my uni friends just don't understand!

Your tank sounds lovely, have you made a post about it anywhere? I'd like some endlers in this tank once the cories have moved out! 

Heres two of the gang this morning!
Here are a couple of still shots of the little fellas:


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thrujenseyes said:
Here are a couple of still shots of the little fellas:
Your tank is amazing, I love the anubias!!! I didn't realise you could upload videos on here - I'll have to bear that in mind!! I do like the look of fluval edges, they look so modern 

As for you endlers.... they are stunning little fishes! I didn't realise they'd be so colourful 
 thanks for sharing!!!
Your tank is absolutely gorgeous, and the pygmies are adorable! Great job on the tank c:
fishmad135 said:
Here are a couple of still shots of the little fellas:
Your tank is amazing, I love the anubias!!! I didn't realise you could upload videos on here - I'll have to bear that in mind!! I do like the look of fluval edges, they look so modern 

As for you endlers.... they are stunning little fishes! I didn't realise they'd be so colourful 
 thanks for sharing!!!
I uploaded it to you tube and just copy and pasted the link to here :)
I looooove my anubias!  I bought it already attached to the rock and it's grown so much.
And I never realized teeny little endlers were so colorful and active either.  Really fun little fish and perfect for my tiny setup!
thrujenseyes said:
I uploaded it to you tube and just copy and pasted the link to here



I looooove my anubias!  I bought it already attached to the rock and it's grown so much.
And I never realized teeny little endlers were so colorful and active either.  Really fun little fish and perfect for my tiny setup!
Ah i didn't realise it was so simple, I may have to give it a go, maybe some videos of corydoras fry/spawning! There's lots of anubias in my community tanks although the leaves don't seem as big as yours!
LyraGuppi said:
Your tank is absolutely gorgeous, and the pygmies are adorable! Great job on the tank c:
Thank you very much!!
  I love them so much, however, they seem to have become fussy eaters since moving. I hope they're okay and its just a phase until they get settled.
fishmad135 said:
I uploaded it to you tube and just copy and pasted the link to here



I looooove my anubias!  I bought it already attached to the rock and it's grown so much.
And I never realized teeny little endlers were so colorful and active either.  Really fun little fish and perfect for my tiny setup!
Ah i didn't realise it was so simple, I may have to give it a go, maybe some videos of corydoras fry/spawning! There's lots of anubias in my community tanks although the leaves don't seem as big as yours!
LyraGuppi said:
Your tank is absolutely gorgeous, and the pygmies are adorable! Great job on the tank c:
Thank you very much!!
  I love them so much, however, they seem to have become fussy eaters since moving. I hope they're okay and its just a phase until they get settled.
Oh please do post a video!!!
thrujenseyes said:
Oh please do post a video!!!
I'll give it a go later this week, very exciting! 
  I'm hoping my corydoras will spawn this week so I may get a video of that if i'm lucky!
A friend has offered me a piece of boxwood with a beautiful carpet of christmas tree moss on it.. I've just got to hope it survives in a bucket till my graduation on the 12th of july.. heres hoping!!
fishmad135 said:
Oh please do post a video!!!
I'll give it a go later this week, very exciting! 
  I'm hoping my corydoras will spawn this week so I may get a video of that if i'm lucky!
A friend has offered me a piece of boxwood with a beautiful carpet of christmas tree moss on it.. I've just got to hope it survives in a bucket till my graduation on the 12th of july.. heres hoping!!

Oooo that sound great!  I'd love a tree with moss on it!  And congrats on the upcoming graduation!!
thrujenseyes said:
Oooo that sound great!  I'd love a tree with moss on it!  And congrats on the upcoming graduation!!
Thank you very much! I don't find out my final grade till tomorrow so I'm anxiously waiting!! 
Why don't you get/grow a moss tree? Would look really nice with endlers swimming around it 

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