Fertile Cory Eggs!

here's an updated photo of mine. Other than the colour nothing much has changed
Flubberlump said:
How far should the fry be able to swim upwards? I'm wondering whether the breeder box might be too deep. It does have a divider though so I could put that in and then it would just be a couple of inches deeper than the box they're in now. I'm sure I'm worrying about things far more than I should be lol!
Did you decide who's going where in your tanks?
If you have a box floating in the top of your tank, you don't have to worry about it being too deep. It's not. The fry can swim better than you'd think. My fry survived in a tank 30inches deep.
Well after days of struggling to get the worms from the pot to the babies tub I've finally worked out an easy way that I thought I'd share. I pick up a little tank water in my pipette, take the lid off the worms pot and turn it over and squirt the water into the rim. I then tilt the lid to allow the water to run around the rim and let it settle in a corner. I can see the worms wriggling in the water so I use my pipette again to suck the water back up with the worms and then add it to the babies 'mini tank'. Works so much better than trying to roll the pipette around in the sticky mixture without picking up some porridge with it!
I shall be changing the babies water later tonight ... I've just seen one darting about so hopefully they are doing okay still. How are your getting along now flubberlump?
Do you think your babies are eating the worms yet? Mine go nuts now when I put them in!

They're doing well thanks, they look like tiny little corys now. I moved them into the breeder box this morning after putting a stocking over it like you suggested. I can see them better now as they're lower in the tank and the side of the box is transparent (apart from the stocking) instead of translucent like the tub. That means that the tetras can see them too, and they're skulking around underneath the box watching them. They have a bit more growing to do yet before they go in the tank!

I gave them a pellet earlier and some crushed up flake a bit ago, I'll see how they get on with it.
hi. well I went back on this thread to see how old they are and they're a week old today and so they must be eating the worms ... they have to be eating something or they would have died by now. They've got wise to the turkey baster and now start darting about when I go to clean them out. 
They look to be growing a bit at last. Glad yours are doing well still, make sure you keep the moss in with them, if the tetra's are interested they might have a go at jumping in and if there's moss for the babies to hide in there's less chance of them being a snack :)
Aww happy 1 week birthday!

Yep the moss is still in. The tetras are naughty so I wouldn't put it past them. I've seen them trying to take eggs off the corys while they're still holding them in their fins! Once I'm sure the babies are definitely big enough not to fit through the holes, I'll take the airstone out and try fixing it underneath the box. Then I'll be able to put the lid on as the airline won't be in the way. I'll try and get a photo today. They're too big for the turkey baster now so I'll devise another way. Maybe I can scoop them up with a small cup if I can find one, I've done that before.
I got up to two eggs on the glass - one was intact but the other had been nibbled. I've rescued the intact one and added it to a pot of water and floated that in with the baby cories!  When I went to bed the panda's were really frisky so I'm pretty sure it's another panda!
It sounds like the cories are too big to be eaten by the tetra's but you never know. They can be naughty fish, my lot are anyway!
Haha cups floating in tubs floating in tanks. I've had a coke bottle floating with brine shrimp eggs too, the tank looks great lol :/

I think they may be just about big enough, but I don't trust the tetras not to have a go even if they can't swallow them. I do love the tetras though.

Here are some terrible quality photos taken through the side of the box, so also the stocking.





they're looking really good. They do look like proper little cories now :D
They snuffle around all over the place and wiggle up into the moss. They're so sweet. There is quite a difference in their colour, 2 of them are a much lighter colour than the others. One of my adult females is a lighter colour than the other one though.

Now I need to make sure that they're eating dry food. I added a soaked pellet earlier. I might try them with frozen cyclops tonight, they've not had that yet.
it sounds like there's nothing wrong with their appetites so the cyclops should go down well. I used to feed my baby peppereds on cyclops once they could manage it and they loved it. Hopefully they'll go from strength to strength now. What are your plans for them? Are you adding them to your existing stock or are you moving them on the the lfs?
Mine will be going to the lfs if I can get them that far this time
Yep I hope they like it! I'll be keeping them. I wanted some more anyway and I'll be upgrading the tank before too much longer. I probably wouldn't have made a shoal of 9 but never mind they'll be happy lol. I do like shoaling fish in groups, I love watching them interact with each other. I'll be getting more rummynoses for the bigger tank too, I have 9 at the moment. Probably another shoal of tetras or something too. Decisions decisions! I still haven't decided what to do with the lido once it's empty.

Yours sound like they're doing well too! I want to know which species they are lol!
well I suspect they are panda's as they are the prolific breeders of the moment. It's too early to know for certain though. I've just finished changing their water and they're all looking really good.They're certainly fast swimmers and that bodes well :)
Gotta love that Ian Fuller!  
eaglesaquarium said:
Gotta love that Ian Fuller!  
his method certainly seems to be working for both me and flubberlump. I'll use this method again that's for sure. 

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