Help With My New Betta


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2014
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Recently my auntie decided to give up keeping fish so has been slowly breaking down her tanks and selling off equipment. I managed to acquire her beautiful red and purple betta and a nearly new app freshwater test kit.

Here's the problem. I don't know where to start when keeping bettas . Thanks why I thought I'd come to you guys :)

At the minute he is in a 50 litre tank with a light filter and heater a small bristle nosed Plec and what I think to be a Chinese algae eater. The tank has black gravel and is planted with some driftwood too. The tank has been set up for about a year so is fully cycled .

Bought some betta pellets and I always have a few packets of blood work cubes in the freezer as a treat for my other fish so food shouldn't be a problem

When's best to feed them ? How often? Now much?
What are they like?
And just any tips or tricks you think a betta owner should know

Thank you very much, TheAquriumGuy :D
One thing first...Chinese Algae Eaters are nocturnal, and will feed on the skin of fish. They also need a 55g, so please try to rehome this guy soon.

What is the temp? The pleco is too big for that tank too, it will need a 20g at least. How was the tank cycled?

Feed bettas cautiously, they are prone to bloat.
Beautiful, personal, easy to care for fish. :3 Got some pics?
Bettas are also aggressive, watch him/her with the other fish.
Thanks for the advice :). The Chinese algae eater will be rehomed when a friend of mine has his 100g setup and the same for my bristlenosed Pleco. He is going into my 30 gallon

The tank was fish less cycled about a year ago and has had fish in it ever since. Ivemoved all of the other fish to a 15 gallon and have decided to keep this tank solely for my new betta

TheAquariumGuy :D
I do plan on putting a flying fox in the tank with the betta to keep the algae levels down though. Will that be ok
I shall try and get some pics when the tank lights are on tomorrow and the Pleco has cleared some of the algae :p
TheAquariumGuy said:
Thanks for the advice
. The Chinese algae eater will be rehomed when a friend of mine has his 100g setup and the same for my bristlenosed Pleco. He is going into my 30 gallon
Awesome! Just making sure, would hate for your betta to be a midnight snack :eek:

The tank was fish less cycled about a year ago and has had fish in it ever since. Ivemoved all of the other fish to a 15 gallon and have decided to keep this tank solely for my new betta
Great :D Just checking!


I do plan on putting a flying fox in the tank with the betta to keep the algae levels down though. Will that be ok
I wouldn't do this, they can get big (5-6 inches). Instead, you could try a group (I'd suggest 3) of oto catfish, or 2-3 nerite snails. If you betta is mild-mannered, you could do amano or cherry shimp.

I shall try and get some pics when the tank lights are on tomorrow and the Pleco has cleared some of the algae

Awesome! Yeah, we love pics here xD
Just a note: maintaining a tank is your responsibility. If you have an algae issue, don't get a fish to fix it for you. It's up to you to figure out where the imbalance in the aquarium is and to correct it. Try to avoid getting a fish for a task. They should be in a tank because you like the species and you can accommodate its needs.
2-3 nerite snails
I prefer Apple snails. I have 3. Regardless of the type of snail you get remember to feed it. Keeping a betta is easy for the most part, Just remember water quality is the most important thing. Now here's a tip, When feeding the betta. Approach the tank and click your fingers 3 times, or tap the tank stand gently 3 times and your betta will quickly associate the noise with food and will come to the front of the tank for a feed, Don't just dump the food in there, Give him 1 pellet at a time wait for him to eat it then give him another one, Around 6 ( Attisons Betta Pro ) pellets a day. In no time you will be able to hand feed him. You will be able to place a pellet on your finger hold it just above the water and your new friend will take the pellet, Even if he must jump for it. They also love frozen blood worm, brine shrimp even ordinary garden worms.
A few things to watch out for.
1 Make sure your tank has a cover on it, Bettas are renowned for jumping out of tanks.
2 Do not over feed him. Bettas are renowned for training their owners to feed them on demand.
3 Water quality Water Quality Water Quality.
4 Bettas love exploring, Make sure there are no nooks and cranny’s he can get stuck in.
5 Bettas are not fond of strong currents in the tank.
6 Floating plants, In my opinion at least 1/2 the tank should be covered in them. You will find your betta will sleep in them.
7 More Plants none of that fake rubbish.
8 Subdued lighting, I have learned an expensive lesson here, $130 AUD for a light that was driving my fish crazy.
Here he is ! :D


(The new iPhone camera seeks to be pretty good for fish btw)
But He is a bit more vibrant / bright in person
Gorgeous! I had one like that color, but female...yours is a definite male.

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