Can Color Lights/leds Hurt/harm My Fish?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2007
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As title really! just wondering if lighting my fish tank up with color (green/blue ect)just at night for a lil while!???
i don't know if they physically harm fish, but i have heard it changes their characteristics sometimes.
hummm soo is it good or not?? will it stress em out! my lfs sell blue lights that replace the tubes :S
As long as it's not too bright, it's OK.

The blue moonlight tubes look nice, but I don't really know how people see them as realistic, does moonlight really look like that in shallow rivers/ponds?

I've been told by lots of people that fish cant see red light, and I know for reptiles you can get red heat lamps that are to heat the enclosure at night (they seem pointless to me though).

So if you have a choice of colours I'd go for red. I wouldn't get LED's though, I would go with this super-cheap method here: [URL=""][/URL]

I've done it with white lights for day time viewing, it's really easy :).
As long as it's not too bright, it's OK.

The blue moonlight tubes look nice, but I don't really know how people see them as realistic, does moonlight really look like that in shallow rivers/ponds?

I've been told by lots of people that fish cant see red light, and I know for reptiles you can get red heat lamps that are to heat the enclosure at night (they seem pointless to me though).

So if you have a choice of colours I'd go for red. I wouldn't get LED's though, I would go with this super-cheap method here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I've done it with white lights for day time viewing, it's really easy :).

haha i read that after i posted this sorry, im not sure about the red in my old tank i had a red laser pen and the fish used to chase it lol.... but no i got lots of under arch neon lights (For cars) and they are water proof perfect for juwal tanks! fits niceley!

i dont think its realistic just looks nice in the night! will give mine ago green ones as my room is green lol! get pics soon
Cant find my digi cam so used my phone ent the best qulaty! but what you think??

As title really! just wondering if lighting my fish tank up with color (green/blue ect)just at night for a lil while!???

i guess too much UV may cause harm, but other than keeping them awake, cant see why it should cause problems. i would go for LED lights though. there are several suggestions in the DIY section.
my parents bought me the little led lights for xmas last year - red, blue and green - i tend to put them on when the timer aquarium lights are off as otherwise the community tank i have is very dark. the fish dont seem to mind at all that they are on. in fact mt clown loaches seem to come out more and play at the front of the tank much more than what they do when the aquarium lights are on.
I was wondering that too. I recently made a lighting system with LEDs and they have full color capability. So...I set them to cycle. I can't load video so I'll use a few snap shots. It slowly fades from one color to the next and looks great. I can turn it to white light, but after seeing the colors white looks boring. The fish seem to behave normally and are doing well.


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