Help Me Identify My New Betta :)


Jan 8, 2014
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I got a replacement betta today. I don't know which tail type he is and I'm fairly certain it's a he and he's really big.


Is it a baby? If not, check if he has a little white granule between his fins below his stomach.
Looks like a Veiltail, or maybe a Spadetail?
Yup. I'm not seeing any egg spots but the betta also isn't staying very still lol. I also think the bottom fin is too big to be female. I've never heard of a spade tail before, that sounds interesting.
Since it's a baby, you may have to wait a bit. :)

But judging by what the tail is now, probably spade or veil.
Looks pretty tiny to me so could be a PK male too.
I had a Spade Tail once. It was really interesting because you don't see them much. The fish in the picture doesn't seem to have the same shape mine did but it's hard to tell with the quality of the pictures.
I'll try and get some better pics later but it was busy exploring the tank for me to really get good pictures.
Yep def male looks like a young plakat to me but this could change as he has some growing to do, I had a spade tail once a lovely emerald green female never seen one since, sorry to hear about your other betta 
Could possibly be a Plakat King Betta, they get large but are a good strong fish.
Look forward to more pictures to assist with further clarification
He doesn't like to stay still so it's so hard to get good pics lol the big tank just excites him compared to his tiny cup. He's already bullying the snails which is no bueno but the snails have shells so I think they'll be alright.
Judging by the size of the fish to the cup it is in, it is still quite small so at this point it would be hard to tell for sure what it is.  However, I would say it is either a PK or a VT.  I am leaning more toward PK with the anal fin being as even and level as it is.  Might be a bit early to tell sex too.  A picture with the ventral fins completely down could help with that since males have much longer ventral fins especially with PK.
Seeing the pic with the ventral fins fully extended....this fish is a young male.   Pretty sure it is a plakat.

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