Help! Betta Dying!


Jan 8, 2014
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I noticed a white spot on my betta Sunday. Tuesday I was able to get pimafix because I thought it was a fungus spot (now I know that pimafix is bad, I didn't know before). Now he's stuggling to swim, he lays at the bottom of the tank and he has red spots with white tuffs coming out on several places on his body. I was doing a small water change to help get the pimafix out because yesterday the original spot had greatly reduced in size. I also couldn't find him in the tank so I thought some activity would get him moving. I was right and that's when I saw all the red and white spots. I stopped immediately and took a reading of my water stats.
He lives in a five gallon tank kept at 80 degrees and has two snails as tank mates.



I'm going to go ahead and put the new water in. Please help me save him! Im snowed in and won't be able to get out for two days and all I have meds wise is pimafix. I guess I'll put an IAL in too... I don't want to lose him, he's about a year old and next month I will have had him for a year. Please please help him!
GuppyGirl20 said:
I noticed a white spot on my betta Sunday. Tuesday I was able to get pimafix because I thought it was a fungus spot (now I know that pimafix is bad, I didn't know before).
If I caused the Pimafix problem, I am so sorry!

Now he's stuggling to swim, he lays at the bottom of the tank and he has red spots with white tuffs coming out on several places on his body. I was doing a small water change to help get the pimafix out because yesterday the original spot had greatly reduced in size. I also couldn't find him in the tank so I thought some activity would get him moving. I was right and that's when I saw all the red and white spots. I stopped immediately and took a reading of my water stats.
I"ll do my research.
Bless Him.
Can you post water stats please. As it hard to make them out in the picture you have loaded
onto the site.
How big are the white spots on the betta?
Are they the size of a grain of salt, or alot bigger.
How big are the red spots. Do they look like tiny red pin prick marks?
Do the white spots have a red or pink centre. Or a circling of pink or red around the outside of the spot.
The only think new to the tank since Sunday is a new kind of food I wanted to introduce to his diet.image.jpg

And algae wafers for my snails which they really didn't touch and another reason for doing a small water change because I didn't want it to foul up my water.
   red body sores typical of advanced bacterial infections
If the betta‘s water becomes fouled with uneaten food and fish waste, if it is not well filtered or if the jars are not kept sparkling clean, bacterial bloom will promptly occur and infect your fish. Sometimes you keep the water clean and the fish still gets a bacterial infection!! >8[. Why? because bacteria is resident in your tap water, in the air, on your hands etc... Usually healthy bettas have their immune system to protect them against these attacks. But bettas with a deficient immune system (when a betta is stressed, because it was scared, or moved or shipped, its immune system will become deficient) will catch whatever is lurking in the water, including the bacteria. They will have a “bacterial infection”. VERY CONTAGIOUS!!
Betta may have clamped fins, lay at bottom or at surface, not eat, lose its color, turn gray, barely swim around. In more advanced cases, its body may start developing red patches, open sores and all kinds of nasty looking stuff. (Even holes in its head!! YIKES!!) Different bacteria affect fish differently. Some will attack the internal organs while others prefer to munch on the skin.
Do a full water change for jars or a 70% water change for tanks. (To get rid of some of the bacteria present). Clean filter, change filtering system, remove any uneaten food rotting, or any dead fish!!!  Isolate any bettas with symptoms if in a community tank.
You should also treat the whole tank. There is a wide variety of antibiotics available for fish. REMEMBER: Remove carbon from your filters before you add the meds!! The carbon would otherwise absorb all the medication and you would be flushing your money down the tube. Oh, and did I mention money?? Yes, brace yourself, cause your little fishies are gonna cost you a bundle, fish antibiotics can get pretty darn expensive - just as people's antibiotics are, as you well know!!
If the sick bettas are small fries, I truly recommend using Tetracycline or Ampicillin (included in our Betta First Aid Kit) combined with Fungus Eliminator (included in our Betta First Aid Kit), or whatever you find at your store (look for “broad spectrum” antibiotics, though a good one is Kanamycin if you can find some). Follow manufacturer’s instructions and don’t stop the treatment until your bettas are well again. If betta is jarred, then as usual, figure out how much water your jar contains and divide the quantity of medication accordingly. Capsules are easier then tablets, because one can open a capsule and just sprinkle a tiny itsy bit of powder in jar. Tables, you will have to first crush, then divide. Well, have a blast!!! 
This is the closest I could find, not sure though.
Another site:
Sorry to throw links at you, I'm not experienced at all. -_-

And again, sorry for my inexperience. I think the second links matches the best, but maybe someone else will know.
WILDER said:
Bless Him.
Can you post water stats please. As it hard to make them out in the picture you have loaded
onto the site.
How big are the white spots on the betta?
Are they the size of a grain of salt, or alot bigger.
How big are the red spots. Do they look like tiny red pin prick marks?
Do the white spots have a red or pink centre. Or a circling of pink or red around the outside of the spot.
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10 ppm

The white is coming out of the red. For the love of God I really wish my pics would post correctly but I don't know how to fix them but I got a better one of what's going on.


The red is just on one side of his body really along with the white spots. There's one spot that showed up on his back that has some red under it but the other side is completely fine.
He sounds in a bad way.
You really need to start treating with maracyn plus which in a gram positive, and gram negative antibiotic.
Once bacterial infections advance quickly there quite hard to cure.
Without being able to get out an buy an antibiotic is not sounding very good i'm afraid. As urgent
treatment is essential now.
Bless Him, He such a cutie pie.
WILDER, would salt help at all?
I'm not trying to sound proud or anything, but maybe the Pimafix didn't cause it?
It sounds like a severe bacterial infection to me.
Any red streaking in the fins also. As it hard to tell in the pic.
Once fish lay on the bottom of the tank and struggle to swim it's looking bad.
He has no energy to fight the illness. If he gets any worse the kindest thing to do is may be think
about putting the poor fish out of it's misery.
So sorry. I wish I could offer you more hope at the moment in time.
WILDER, would salt help at all?
I'm not trying to sound proud or anything, but maybe the Pimafix didn't cause it?
Salt does help but not in this case.
The fish needs to be started on antibiotics.
Never used pimafix myself and most fish don't tolerate it to well.
But I don't  think it caused a severe bacterial infection.
Just read your other thread.
He does look thin for his age. I thought he was only a couple of months old looking at the pics.
You could try giving his immune system a boost by soaking his food in garlic juice. But
the bacterial infection is progressing fast.
You could also try lowering the tank temp by 2 degree's.
I just don't understand what would cause the bacteria infection. He'll swim to the top and look around but he's hanikg out at the bottom a lot. Nothing was different with maintenance. I asked about how small he was on his diary and I was told not to worry because he could just be a runt...

I could walk to Walmart, do you think the garlic juice could save him?

The first spot had no red around it what so ever and it was only one on the side of his head. Somewhere between Tuesday and today something changed and the red happened. The water stats are all in safe ranges so I just don't understand. I thought they only got sick from bad water quality or something bringing introduced into the tank that was sick...
The garlic would just give the immune system a boost. It can help fish but not when a bacterial infection has
really advanced as the bacteria multiplying to fast for the immune system to keep up.
If the white spots have red around  it it can be  bacterial, or columnaris.
Columnaris spots do tend to form around the head region.
Fish can get sick by bad water quality, dirty tanks, disease, stress.
Bacteria lives in the background of a tank it only takes a weak stressed fish for it to take hold.
Also bacteria can gain entry throw cuts and wounds.
If he's never gained much weight when he eats really well that can mean many things like
bacterial infection, internal parasites, fish tb, etc.
Well this makes me fell like a horrible fish owner because I thought I was taking such great care of him and I post about him regularly and no one said anything other than I was doing a good job :'(

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