Sexing Bolivian Rams


New Member
Feb 24, 2015
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Ive been keeping fish for a few years now and just recently acquired some Bolivian Rams.
Im not entirely sure on my sexing of them so any help is appreciated.
image 2.jpeg
:hi: to the forum :)
Bolivians are notoriously hard to sex, but I would hazard a guess that your top fish is a male, and the second one female.
I'm going by the dorsal and anal fins. In males, those are longer (reaching past the end of the caudal peduncle) and are slightly pointed, in females, they're shorter (stopping before the tail starts) and rounder.
But I could be wrong!
agreed they can be hard to sex - especially when young. It's also difficult when your photo's are side ways on.
I'd say the second one looks female. The photo of the first one isn't clear enough for me - sorry.
In general (going from memory, it's a while since I had my rams) the males fin are longer (as fluttermoth has pointed out) and the head shape is more 'boxy' and angular. The female has shorter fins and her head often has a gentle slope.
You can also sometimes tell by the dorsal fin. The 2nd and 3rd point (from the head) stand proud of the rest of the dorsal in the male. In the female this is less obvious. Another obvious difference will be the breeding organs ... but this relies on them being ready to breed. The female breeding tube is straight and the males is slanted
I'll go through some photograph tonight of my rams and see if I can find anything that helps. 

here you go ...

female at the front and the male is under the rocks. You can see the difference in head shape in this photo but the fin differences isn't too clear. This is the best photo I can find though. Hoping it's helped somewhat :)
I agree on the second photo being female. Not sure about the first one. Would need a better side angle shot. On my four rams you could easily tell sex just by the breeding tubes. The females were noticeable - the males breeding part was almost non-existent. Here is a thread I started on my rams a few years ago - it turns out I was correct on my guesses as to the sexing.
I just saw this thread.  I agree with others that the first photo is possibly male, second likely female.  With this species, sometimes the best guide is how they interact.  If they "get along" then they are more likely to be a pair that accepts each other, or perhaps two females.  If they are constantly threatening each other with charging, pushing, head bunting and similar, then more likely two males, though it could be a pair that have not bonded.

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